Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
- L. Cohen, Beautiful Losers (1966)
- Smudged Air: The lyrics of Leonard Cohen
- As compiled by Dean Engelhardt (
- Sincerely, L. Cohen: The Leonard Cohen discography
- As compiled by Dean Engelhardt (
- Guitar Tablature
- Chords for songs written by Leonard Cohen, as posted on
- Sibel's Poetry Corner
- Contains a collection of thirteen poems from The Spice-Box of Earth
- Robert Hilburn interviews ...
- A wonderful recent interview from the LA Times. Cohen talks about his life on Mount Baldy, Hilburn reviews the new tribute album (he gives it two and a half stars), and Cohen gives a critique of his own music.
- CBC Radio Interview with Leonard Cohen
- Cohen comments on his work, particularly his two most recent studio albums.
- Leonard Cohen on BBC Radio
- A transcript. Leonard Cohen hosts a show with Jennifer Warnes and Suzanne Vega, discussing his life and his music.
- The Jewish Book News Interview
- This interview provides an insightful perspective on Leonard Cohen's religious life and beliefs.
- Suzanne Vega - Leonard Cohen Interview, October 1992
- Not really an interview so much as a conversation. In three parts. To find out more about this artist who was influenced so greatly by Cohen, check out the Suzanne Vega WWWebsite.
- Leonard Cohen in Venue Magazine
- In this excerpt from a longer interview, Cohen talks a little about the early days of his poetry.
- Columbia's promo page
- Provides a lot of interesting biographical information, interspersed with commentaries and anecdotes.
- The handwriting of Leonard Cohen
- Cohen's intruiging answers to a questionnaire from the Jewish Telegraph. From Paul Black's Cohen page.
- Leonard Cohen fait-il parti du patrimoine culturel quebecois?
- This looks like an interesting site -- audio files and general bio info. Unfortunately, I can't really read it. It's in French.
- The newsgroup that helped this page begin
- The Unofficial Alt.Music.Leonard-Cohen FAQ
- Something I'm throwing together in my spare time...
- Jarkko Arjatsalo's Compleat Leonard Cohen Page
- This page has an unparalleled collection of information on covers, compilations, bootlegs, books, memorabilia, etc.
- No Diamonds in the Minefield
- Adi's beautiful Cohen page. Soon to be mirrored here.
- Covers
- Some of Cohen's more famous fanatics
Disclaimer: This document in no way represents the University of Pennsylvania. All opinions and errors are mine alone.