About the Museum, its Hours
and Location
Index of San Francisco
San Francisco History by Subject
San Francisco History by
San Francisco Biographies
Great Earthquake and Fire of
1906 Earthquake
Photographic Exhibits
Chronology of the Great Earthquake, and the 1906-1907 Graft Investigations
1989 San
Francisco Earthquake
San Francisco's
Response to the Oakland Firestorm
of San Francisco World War II Events
Chronology of S.F. Rock 1965 - 1969
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Fine Arts Museums' "The Thinker"
For information about the
Museum, drop an e-mail note to Curator Gladys Hansen in San Francisco. Be
sure to let us know from which city you write.
The Museum of the
City of San Francisco is located in The Cannery at San Francisco's
Fisherman's Wharf. Admission is free.