Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Version 13.1 |
September 1996 |
If you missed Fifth
Colvmn recording artists, CHEMLAB, when they appeared live at the Troubadour
on July 20th.....don�t worry!! You can still hear them on LA
LIVE anytime, day or nite!
Also - in production - Quark Noir, a series by Jeff Mandel. This is just another one of those stories that mixes sex, violence and quantum theory. I know, I know, if you seen one quantum theory story you've seen 'em all - but hey! This one is interactive and non-linear! And you will even get to see rokketBoy and Fuligin appear in some of the episodes. Don't have a date yet, but it is going to be veeery kool. |
On the border between Hell and Purgatory lies the sweetest little town. Start Digging.
NEW AND IMPROVED! Necropolis: the webMUD. Coming soon to HalluciNet. |
Jump Starts |
In The Works |
Needful Things |
HellHouse of Hollywood
Quark Noir
Gallery | Fliks
| Graffiti
| Kalendar | Klubs
| Musik
| RadioActive
| Rant
| Restricted
Send tapes and photos to:
1440 North Fairfax Ave., Suite 106 Hollywood, CA 90046 213.876.0824 213.876.4198 fax |
Copyright 1995 (c) HalluciNet and BearLeft Productions
Email comments, inquiries, press releases or material
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