Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Welcome To
The Aussie Invader Land Speed Record Challenge
Rosco McGlashan has unveiled his latest Land Speed Record Challenger
'Aussie Invader III' and now with the challenge getting very close
we will be featuring Rosco's every step as he and his 'Aussie Invader Team'
ready themselves for an all out assault on the World Land Speed Record!
Land Speed Links
"Attempting the World Land Speed Record is a bit like two stepping
blindfold and barefoot along a 100 feet high barbed wire tightrope,
carrying a glass of nitroglycerine and simultaneously delivering
a political speech .... a bit like it, but a damn sight more difficult."
David Tremayne
Motoring News, November 5th 1981.
Send Rosco a message right here!
[email protected]
6 Karalundie Way, Mullaloo W.A. Australia 6027
Phone +619 401 5997 Fax +619 307 7416