The Virtual Society project is designed to realize this
dreamlike vision through the latest digital and networking technology.
The goal is a seamless community between real society
and electronic society, another kind of community, a virtual society that's
fun, fast and free.
We are very sorry to support only Japanese pages now.
The english homepage is brought you
by IMAGEWORKS. Check it out!
Sony Corporation is pleased to announce the first product
version of Sony's multi-user VRML2.0 system - Community Place. The Community
Place system consists of a client browser, multi-user server, authoring
system and application environment.
The Community Place browser can run equally well as a
standalone VRML2.0 browser, or as a multi-user VRML2.0 browser. It will
also read and display standard VRML1.0. Connection to a server is automatic
if the world is shared.
The Community Place Bureau - multi-user server - supports
multi-user worlds, including avatars and shared behaviours. Large commercial
servers will support upto 1000 connections and run on a range of Unix machines.
The public downloadable server runs on Win95/NT.