Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
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"Politically Correct Bedtime Stories: The World Wide Web Site" is intended as parody, so please don't sue us. You wouldn't get any money from us anyhow and it would drag in court for years and only the lawyers would get rich. The opinions expressed are t hose of the individual authors at the time of publication. No trees were killed for the production of these pages. No rabbits were used for the testing of this product. No animals were harmed on this production, although a few geeks lost some sleep. Don't stare at the screen so long. Take a break. Other standard disclaimers apply.
All content on this site is ©1996 Macmillan Digital USA. Please buy the CD-ROM, they need the money. Creativity by Vanguard Media and the talented writers who toiled long and hard to make this #%$&@!!! thing funny!
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