Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
The University of Kansas
Institute for the Exploration of Virtual Realities, i.e.VR,
is a newly formed institute within the University
Theatre and the Department of Theatre & Film at the University
of Kansas. Its goal is to explore the uses of virtual reality and related
technologies. While the primary application currently under study is theatre
production and performance, the possibility of exploring VR applications
in other fields is also being actively pursued.
This and related pages will be updated frequently to include up-to-date information about the progress of our projects.
As of 5/26/96 additional pages include:
Our next VR/Theatre production.
Keep track of our progress as we prepare to mount a production in which the entire audience will wear i-glasses! from Virtual i-O!
Video in Theatre Production.
Check our recent work in using 3-D video to record, transmit and create new theatre productions.
VRML world index to The Adding Machine: A Virtual Reality Project.
Use a VRML browser to cruise through this virtual model of the stage and backstage areas. This is a Virtus Alpha World created with the new Virtus WalkThrough VRML.
Adding Machine: A Virtual Reality Project
as a tool in traditional scenic design:
since Sept. 23 1995