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Welcome to Pontiac Excitement on the Web.
Yes, this is it. The Official Web Site of the Pontiac Division of
General Motors. And yes, you're right.
The door to the
1997 Grand Prix Design
Staff Planning Room is still ajar. This is usually a highly guarded
entrance, but last month some alert Web surfers took a private tour. Instead
of trying to keep a lid on the excitement, the Design Staff has taken another
break and left their work in progress for Pontiac enthusiasts to examine.
This is a private viewing. No pictures, please.
Showroom (updated 9/18/96)
Find everything you ever wanted to know about Pontiac Driving
Excitement! Get information about the current models, check out some history
and find the dealer
closest to you.
Highlights (updated 9/27/96)
Why stop with driving excitement? Get up to speed with some
of the other exciting things Pontiac is into. Pontiac
Motorsports information! A visit to the ESPN
X Games Road Show. And a schedule of upcoming Auto
Shows, so you'll know when the 1997 Pontiacs will be visiting a city
near you.
Got an idea we should know about? Feedback on your favorite
Pontiac? Drop us a line.
Drivers (updated 5/6/96)
Take a cross-country adventure in a Pontiac. Along the way meet
some friends, follow their stories and tell us what you think. You can
ride with Jenna,
Arnie, or James
& Becky. But hurry. Even backseat drivers want to sit in front.
Order more Pontiac
information and get fun stuff in the mail. |
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use the best board.
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