Archive of ::Isfahan Home Page
Welcome to Isfahan.
A 1995 GNN Best of the Net
Isfahan has been designated by UNESCO as a world heritage. It contains a wide range of
Islamic Architectural styles ranging from the 11th century (C.E.) to the 19th. This archive contains
photographs and descriptions of some of the most interesting and unusual ones. The photographs have
been for the most part taken by the author and his wife between 1992 and 1994 and may be freely used
for academic purposes, provided an acknowledgement of the source is given.
The in-line images have generally been reduced in size and either to greyscale or sixteen colours to
reduce bandwidth requirements. This method was preferred to the traditional thumbnail because it
gives the casual visitor a better chance to appreciate the size and splendour of much of the
architecture, however if bandwidth is a serious constraint you may wish to disable the automatic
downloading of inline images. The full, 256-colour, images which are in Compuserve GIF format and
which range between 60K and 160K in size, may generally be viewed by selecting the in-line
The images and text are currently organised by type. Those unfamiliar with the fundamental concepts
of Islamic and Iranian architecture may find it helpful to study the section on fundamental concepts at
some point, although many otherwise unfamiliar items are also covered by glossary entries.
The casual visitor or tourist may prefer to start exploring the city straightaway.
You can do this by taking a taxi to the main square. You may find it helps to have a map of the city
centre as well, if you don't already have one. You can get this and a number of other items from the
tourist shop provided at this archive.
References which are marked
are under construction,
and are not yet worth visitng.
Fundamental Concepts
Mosques and
Palaces and
Other Places of
Other Iranian
Links. This is a personal selection of other Iranian sites on the Web which have fired my
imagination or have informed me.
Personal Page
Anglia Home Page