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Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Ufomind - \YOU-fo-mind\ - n. The brain applied with discipline to impossible tasks.

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Core Interests

Our site is arranged as a tree structure with the starting points below. Star (*) items are stored on other servers. These pages may be affiliated with us but are outside our control.

  1. Area 51/Groom Lake. Data and rumors about the secret military base north of Las Vegas, and adjoining areas in Southern Nevada. Our most popular database.
  2. Geography and Local Politics
  3. Military/Government Facilities
  4. UFOs
  5. Psychology/Philosophy
  6. General Reference

[This section Last Modified: 11/26/96 tm.e ]

External Starting Points...
Links we really use, provided as a courtesy to our readers.

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General Knowledge

  1. Searches
  2. Physical Science
  3. Social Science
  4. Technology
  5. Fringe Studies
  6. Media
  7. Government
  8. Office Reference
  9. Places
  10. Computers & Internet

Selected Commercial Services

  1. General: Open Market Directory of Commercial Web Servers
  2. Transportation: Southwest Airlines

Selected U.S. Government Departments

  1. Indexes: Federal Government Server List
  2. Secretary of Defense
  3. Air Force | Yahoo AF | Air Force News Service | Wright-Patterson AFB | Hill AFB | Nellis AFB | Edwards AFB | Davis-Monthan
  4. Navy | Yahoo Navy | Navy News Service | China Lake | Marines | Yahoo Marines
  5. Army | Yahoo Army | Corps of Engineers | White Sands
  6. Land & Environment: Department of Interior | BLM | U.S. Geological Survey | EROS Data Center | Declassified Satellite Imagery | EPA
  7. Department of Energy | OpenNet document database | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Sandia | Los Alamos | Lawrence Livermore | Brookhaven
  8. Intelligence: CIA | FBI | NSA | DIA
  9. Leadership: White House | Congress
  10. Space & Skies: NASA | FAA
  11. Private Contractors: Lockheed-Martin | Rockwell | McDonnell Douglas | Hughes | Raytheon | Bechtel | Wackenhut | Johnson Controls | EG&G
  12. Private Defense Publications: Jane's | Journal of Electronic Defense
  13. Foreign: Canadian Defense Department | Australian Dept. of Defense | International Space Agencies | Intelligence Communities by Country
External links last confirmed: 8/18/96 gc

Upkeep of this page is sponsored in part by the Research Center Catalog including the following....
* * A Random Selection From Our Catalog * *

Cover Image UFO Crash at Aztec: A Well Kept Secret is about the alleged crash and recovery of an extra-terrestrial spacecraft at Aztec, New Mexico on May 25, 1948. The book makes the claim that the remains of the craft and 16 deceased alien humans were immediately recovered by a special military team. In the end the book is neither very persuasive nor credible, but it is an interesting addition to the body of crash-retrieval mythology. William Steinman and Wendell Stevens, 612 pages, hardcover. [dpk 10/96] - #aztec {2book} $18.95

Related Topics: UFOs
* * A Random Selection From Our Catalog * *

Cover Image The Strange Disappearance of Uncle Dudley is an odd children's book that jumped out at us from the atomic history section of the Otowi Bookstore in Los Alamos. We said, "Really wierd. We have to carry it." We can't think of any child who would want to read this book, which to us is part of its charm. In a few dozen manipulated photographs and a handful of words (36 pages in very large print - seriously overpriced), it is supposed to explain to young children of our post-Disney generation what it was like to live in a "secret city" during WWII. Like today's Area 51, Los Alamos did not officially exist during the war, but wives and children also lived there. Imagine the problems of housing children at Groom Lake: You could keep the workers quiet, but what about a 14-year-old? How does a family explain its "disappearance" to friends and relatives? This book tells the story of "Uncle Dudley", an atomic worker. During the war, he disappeared and went to live in "PO Box 1553, Santa Fe, NM" - the same address where his son was born a little later. That some adult is now trying to explain this oddity to disinterested children suggests that the "secret city" still haunts the author. [gc 11/6/96] - #dudley {1book} $6.98

Related Topics: Los Alamos | Absurdities

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Created: 6/20/95 gc
Last Modified: 11/27/96 gc.e