Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
**This submarine page contains over 600 links to other submarine sites and information on the Internet, and for that reason you really need to save a couple of days to explore this site. It is also heavy in graphics and may seem slow to load. There are links to pages written by members of boats crews, official Navy sites, sites for Vets, research book links, photos of boats, foreign sub sites, an area for collectors, R&R, information on ports/yards and material of historical importance. Areas are set up with nuclear information, weapons, link pages to other naval sites, a submarine BBS for asking questions or leaving mail and a "misc" area to cover everything else. Enjoy and I hope you can use the material I have located or maybe it will just be "good old days" cruise. I am a believer in content rather than beauty, and that's why the page doesn't have a fancy background of a surfacing sub or something similar. All the fancy graphics, backgrounds and large pictures take time to load and if you are using a 14400 modem or slower then the wait is huge. The page won't win any awards from the "award givers,' but that's fine with me if you find the page useful. By the time you have read this, hopefully the graphics will have loaded and you won't get frustrated at the wait. Are you ready? All Ahead Full!
Naval Command Insignia
Site This Insignia page co-authored by Lt. Bryan Lethcoe (Rice U NROTC)
who does the page work and myself, who searches the web daily for more.
We are in need of your naval insignia of any unit (shore/air/surface/subs).
But it must be in file format. Do not send actual patches or decals, etc.
A scanner is not available. Thanks. Gif animation done by Bill Johnson.
See his page at
This page is home ported on WAVE
COMMUNICATIONS Server, which is Northern Wyoming's premier Internet
service, and was created with HTML Pro 2.0 and Netscape Gold 2.02 as the
browser of choice.
Wall of Honor at SubBase, Groton. This picture is one reason
this page exists. I think they would appreciate it and we need to help
perpetuate their contributions and memory.
" I wish the United States government would break its
reversing gear, so that it could only go ahead. It does go backwards many
times." Appropriation speech in the US House of Representatives
in 1904 concerning the fight to purchase 5 more of Simon Lakes submarines.
Thanks for stopping by my base. This page will indicate what
I did for 8 years USS CATFISH SS-339 (61-62) and USS
PATRICK HENRY SSBN-599 (63-68) back in the 60's. I am currently living
and working in
Sheridan, a beautiful little town of 15,000 in the foothills of the
Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming.
On a map we are located on a bearing of 270 and range of 250 miles from
the Black
Hills and Mount Rushmore or on a bearing of 090 and range of 200 miles
from Yellowstone Park.
the address to me at.
Or if any of the links are duds, let me know which ones.
on my page this year. Thanks to all visitors!
This area >>>
SUBMARINE BBS<<< is your area to leave messages, search for
information or shipmates, seek reunion information, ask questions or whatever
you want as long as it is submarine oriented and is not offensive to anyone/group.
Sysop Ron Martini.
Afloat Report>>> 410135 (down 1920 in the past 2 weeks) active duty Navy. There are 40 (of 80)(I would like to know where the other 4 came from that weren't in this listing 2 weeks ago) SSNs or SSBNs at sea as of 10-15-96.
Ping on SubNet. The National
Submariner Directory is a good source for locating shipmates provided they
are listed. Please list yourself in the directory first so that others
can find you in the future, then proceed with your search. There are some
27,000 names on file! The directory is continually looking for ships rosters,
crew lists, and other names of submariners. After registering yourself
here then ask about your shipmate.
Another possibility, if you know the persons name and area of the country,
is to search through a great new on-line phone book Infospace
Worldwide Directory.
Reunion Info Page is located at Ship
Reunion Page.
In recognition of the efforts Web authors put into their
work, time spent searching for new sites, and all the endearing e-mail
they receive; if your page is selected as a "SURPRISE LINK" on
this page you may so state on your page and you may also display.
Should your page grow and be chosen again in the future you may display
two of the logo graphics on your page. Past pages that have been linked
as the "Surprise" are also eligible.
****ATTENTION**** The best submarine site on the Net is Pampanito!!
Awesome! My Sub Pick/Super Surprise Link of the Year. Check it out
and send them e-mail. This page is the ultimate, especially for the diesel
Two years in the making!
Great Start!
A valuable resource for research
The Best Ride in the Navy!
Want to get rid of the anchors that are weighing you down?
Check this site!
The following areas below have been corrected or changes/additions made
to them week ending: 10-15-96
Surprise Links >>Added two new Surprise Links.
Contest >> Winner announced. New contest underway! No guesses in
a week? Clue East Coast.
R&R >>Added 3 sites that have additional reviews of the move
"Down Periscope", and another page that has sound clips from
the movie.
Main Page >> Updated Navy status. Where did we gain 4 new boats in
2 weeks?
ComSubForeign >>Changed an address on the Swedish submarine text
file page and also upgraded the English Navy Homepage address.
Logs >>Added a page called American Memories Archive. This is searchable
(submarines for example) but grossly slow to display large files or graphics.
Some neat stuff here that really goes back in history. It was where I got
the quote above about the government going in reverse in regards a submarine
appropriations bill some 90+ years ago.
Books >> Added several sites. A page that takes you to US Gov locations
where you can obtain publications on Naval History, Nuclear Power, Naval
Training and Veterans Affairs. Want to know how your Vitamin D count does
while on patrol? It is here. Added another Page that sells Military and
Naval History Books (new & used). Not submarine related but great history
reading is a book on line with 10 chapters on the battle from WWII on Battle
of Leyte Gulf.
Periscope >> Added a nice (if not a little mystical) picture of the
Other fixes and patches >>The Submarine Bibliography mentioned above
is now contains 1400+ titles! You can have it delivered to your e-mail
box for $5. Price is going up 1-1-97 to $10
Scuttlebut >>Added some dates of boat decomms, etc. Also added some
info on SSN22 and SSN23. Better than never is the sabotage to the San Juan
last June.
Navy Football score update. We are 4-1. They were off 10-19. Army is 6-0
however. Navy plays Notre Dame on 11-8 in Dublin, Ireland.
.....Rumors, hot news, facts, & teasers
.....Links to other submariners home pages. Has one of your shipmates
written a page?
.....Revisit those great places
.....Photo links to submarine pictures
.....Stories and links from the past, museum information and other
historical information.
.....Books, reviews and book sources
.....Navy News and links to mostly official Navy sites.
.....Officer country
.....Many veteran, dependent, associations and retiree places to
..... Everything else of interest such as links to the intelligence
community, Seawolf controversy and more
.....Links to links to links.
.....Visit wreck sites, Human powered subs and other submersible
.....Missiles and Torpedo pictures and links
..... Sparse but interesting reading
.....From Italy to Sweden comes a large collection of sites with
foreign submarine information
.....Games, CD, Books and magazines
.....Occasional contests are
put here. New contest 10-09-96 .You just might see your name on a WWW page.
Jerome Maxwell of Tarpon Springs, Florida correctly identified the picture
as the Cocos Island off the coast of Guam. You WestPac types should have
gotten that.
.....Models, Pins, Hats, Insignias and information on groups that
build and collect
.....Everything nuclear
****VHS submarine video listing available. Check out the R&R
subsection above***
Comments or mail (please include which boats you were on and when,
your rating and your current location) to
This page has no commercial intent and any financial gain from its
contents are not and will not be accepted. This page has no official standing
with any branch of the US Government including the US Navy. Some of the
links may direct you to "Official" Navy or Government computers
and you should read the warnings posted before using. All material on this
page is available to the public via diligent and thorough websearch. If
there are any copyright violations, please notify me and the material will
be removed. Also, the inclusion of any site or material on this page does
not necessarily indicate an endorsement by me of the contents. All I want
are more links to other sites containing submarine related articles/pictures/information.
Also do not hesitate to e-mail me with corrections or links that may have
become duds, hot runs or have reached the end of their wire.
Thanks also to Don Merrigan of SubNet for his support and assistance
on many matters.
Web Counter Courtesy of:
Thanks to Jack Kendrick of Wave
Communications for making this all possible, and to Ray
Kopczynski for lots of HTML, graphics, and title work. Ray has opened
a Computer Renaissance
store in Corvallis, Or.
Great Link site atHogan's
The Order of the Target Award