Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Welcome to The Dog House! This site is not yet finished and is under major construction. I hope to get tons of links, all the standards for the recognized breeds and have additional information.
Eventually, I hope to see this page to be the largest information source about dogs on the World Wide Web! This is a big move, I know it, so I welcome any help from those who particularly fancy a particular breed and would like to help out. Please feel free to help me out by sending your comments, suggestions, and links.
I would also like to ask you to support my endeavour with your comments, as well as by linking your page with mine. I am willing to do the same for dog related stuff. This is my banner which you can use to create a quick link from your page to mine.
Give me some time. I now have all the lists of the breeds up, with their pages intact. The next step is to amalgamate and search for links and information about *each* of the breeds. If you have links on your breed that you would like to share, please email them to me. In addition, if you notice a link that does not work, or something out of place, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Here is a list of the Groups of breeds. Within the sections include a link to each breed, which in turn contains a breed standard, information, contacts, as well as links to other sites on the net for that particular breed. Again, please feel free to send any additional information, or anything else, it would be greatly appreciated and due noted.
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Visitor #5025 since July 22, 1996.