Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
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Hocus Pocus
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Christmas Dreams - can the Great Mysto see into your Christmas dreams?
Fantasy Football - sports fans challenge the Great Mysto!
Flags of Mystery - the Great Mysto justifies his international fame!
Mentalism ala Simpsons - the Great Mysto visits your favorite animated TV series!
Pattern in Mind - your brain patterns are read by the Great Mysto!
Who's Who Zoo - the Great Mysto demonstrates his animal mysticism!
The Great Mysto's Magic Set - learn the Secrets of Magic from the great master!
Three Dimensional Stereogram Magic - view those strange 3D images
Magical Secrets - the Incredible Virtual Magic Shop on the WWW
A List of Magic Dealers - a world-wide list of phone numbers, mailing addresses
InfoVid Outlet - a WWW source of magic how-to videos for the budding magician
Dodd's Magical Linking Pages - very complete list of links to other magic sources
Old Radio Premiums - see Captain Midnight decoders, One Man's Family books, etc.
Doc Savage on Radio - read the scripts of the 1934 radio shows.
QuickTime VR - no special glasses needed - for Macs, coming soon for Windows
Movie Trailers on the Net - the very latest QuickTime movie previews
Connectix QuickCam Site - if you have a QuickCam, this site is a must!
Space Movie Archive - tons of historical and sci-fi clips, including Star Trek
Classic Radio Shows - for fans of old-time radio programs, news, audio clips, etc.
Yesterday USA - if you have RealAudio installed, hear historic radio broadcasts live.
more audio clips - check out this site for many more audio sites
Adventure Games - text adventure games for DOS machines (sorry Mac owners)
Utilities - if you need a movie viewer, sound player, etc. go to this site
Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh - the whole book available here! Recommended for any Mac user