Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Techniques and procedures used in the Bigfoot Research Project include the compiling of both current reports and historical evidence; the statistical computer analyses of these will provide the foundation essential to intensive field studies. Through this latter is envisioned the primary objective of the program which is, with appropriate documentation, contact and communication with one or more of these extraordinary hominids.
Although many years of research into the Bigfoot phenomenon now lie behind us, much of what we believe we know comes mainly from prudent speculation. The reason for this lies in the extreme difficulty in studying the creatures in the vast and formidable terrain that is their habitat. (Since W.W. II, seventy- three aircraft have crashed in this area and remain undiscovered.) However, these deliberation combined with extensive studies of sighting reports and footprint finds lead us, at the lest, to the following conclusions:
Indications are that the creatures are more man-like than ape-like and that they possess unusual intelligence, on a level possibly close to our own. An example of this is something our studies have discovered, that they are aware that their footprints may attract unwanted attention from man, the only entity that represents a danger to them-and as a result, they hide them. This is something not found in the animal kingdom. This extraordinary hominid may well be the mysterious wild man that the great Swedish scientist, Carolus Linnaeus, (1707-1778) called Homo Nocturnus, the Man of the Night.
The evidence that supports the reality of the Bigfoot has its foundation in four basic areas:
The history, in literature, is found in old newspaper reports, the journals and letters of early settlers and prospectors of the Pacific Northwest, and the archival records such as those of the Northwest Fur and Trading Company. The earliest known report is from the London Times and is dated 1780. Among the native people of the Northwest, of course, the record is much older, and indeed, every Indian tribe has a name for the hominids in its own language - Sasquatch, Omah, Tsonaqua, Bukwas, Selatiks, to name but a few.
Credible sightings are a vital part of the evidence. Sightings are rare, only a few each year, indicating extreme wariness on the part of the creatures combined with a skilled ability to use physical features of their natural habitat for concealment. Again, there may be fewer hominids than we think.
This short piece of 16mm film shot in northern California in October, 1967, is to date the only believable photographic record of a real, living Bigfoot. A recent discovery by the Bigfoot Research Project, of the similarity of a footprint found in the same area six years prior to the shooting of the film sequence, further supports the credibility of this unique footage. The famous Frame 352, a still photo from the Patterson film, whose rights are owned by Rene Dahinden, appears in almost every discussion about Bigfoot or Sasquatch.
Footprints (120K),
averaging 15.80 inches and made by a large, bipedal hominid at least six
feet in height and weighing up to 500 lbs., continue to be found in the
Pacific Northwest. Recently some were found that contained dermal skin
patterns (like fingerprints), a significant factor in hominids. Other evidence,
including strong odors and powerful screaming roars, further support the
reality of a large group of, unclassified primates, living undiscovered
in the mountain forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Help us solve one of the most fascinating and popular mysteries of our time by joining the growing number of people who contribute credible information to The Bigfoot Research Project. all information is treated confidentially and is used solely for the purpose of benign research. Sightings, footprint finds, reports of sounds relative to the phenomenon, all contribute to the computerized search for behavior patterns. The Bigfoot Research Project considers all information valuable and invites you to become a member of the team determined to solve this great mystery.
If you would like to contribute and to be part of this
great discovery, please contact our office at 1-800- BIGFOOT (1-800-244-3668),
or (541)352-7000. (fax-541- 352-7535)
The Bigfoot Research Project PO Box 126 Mt. Hood OR 97041
T.B.R.P. email: [email protected]
T.B.R.P. web address:
There is a public conference/mailing list about bigfoot available on-line
administered by Henry Franzoni and Silas Salmonberry called the Internet
Virtual Bigfoot Conference. To join the conference, click on the Western
Bigfoot Society link below and follow the directions.