Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
VOTE FOR: Address: Colosseum
OJE VITA, OJE VITA MIA... Maybe you are wondering what this song is... well, it is a Neapolitan song called " 'O surdato 'nnammurato" (the soldier in love) and it is sung at the stadium... The chorus "Oje vita, oje vita mia, oje core 'e chistu core, si' stata 'o primm' ammore, 'o primmo e ll'ultimo sarraje pe' me" is world-famous! (oh life, oh my life, oh heart of this heart, you have been my first love, the first and the last you 'll be for me...) was sung at the stadium when Diego played for Napoli (actually, we still sing it today when our team wins!).