Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
The Cathedrals of France
one is so inclined, it can be a fulfilling adventure taking up a quest
to become familiar with a particular cathedral. While an uneventful journey
may ensue for one seeking instant enlightenment, a dedicated study
bears the potential to ennoble one's spirit. Vigilant seekers will discover
that residing within these storehouses of cultural potency is the power
to transform our lives.
"The West Facade"
Rheims, France
the path of approach to such power is overgrown and cluttered with
debris from centuries of neglect and misuse. And yet, as with all spiritual
mysteries, it is the responsibility of each succeeding generation to
seek out the ancient wisdom anew.
can be no misunderstanding, standing before one of the great Gothic
Cathedrals, these structures were intended to be visually explored and
"Rose of the West"
Notre Dame, Paris
where does one begin to look? Wherever you turn there are new images
vying for the eye's attention. It is, as if, there was a clear intent to
leave no single space vacant or absent of ornament! And, what images! A
hierarchy of Medieval spiritual beliefs, singing in a language whose dialect
eludes us, even at the frontier of our memory.
"The Secret of Atlas"
Saint Patrick's, New York
fairest stance then, is to set out with your own particular methods
of observation and assimilation. Combine these skills with what knowledge
has been left behind by earlier cultural explorers, then let one
of these sublime structures take you from there.
the grand Gothic Cathedrals of the Medieval period were a manifestation
of brilliant architectural skill, is self evident. But, what is often lost
to us today due to the distraction of the fantastic, is the gesture
of intent so gracefully incorporated into these works of stone and
"Vision of Angels"
Chartres, France
the most part, we find ourselves drawn to the strangeness of such buildings.
They stand out in sharp contrast, often, to the structures of later ages.
It escapes us, sadly, that these masterworks of spirit were not constructed
solely for the benefit of medieval searchers. They were, more so,
intended to preserve vast stores of spiritual knowledge, down through the
centuries. A feat they have been quite successful in, considering the turmoil
of the past six hundred years. A lasting credit of their creators!
are justified then, to accept, that these glorious wonders of stone
and glass were intended for our benefit, and others, yet to follow.
is in fact unfair to group, as we do, all such cathedrals as solely
"Gothic." Styles vary, in every case. Each structure is uniquely
individual in manner and symbolic content, as well as the expression of
technical craft and ingenuity.
last quality, is equally as significant to the Gothic story as the
spiritual values. Within the great cathedrals resides an architectural
and engineering arcana, which continues to serve as a well of knowledge
and inspiration to contemporary designers and builders.
"The Great Choir"
Cantebury, England
are many exploratory turns to follow in this immersive adventure of
the Gothic expression. Our intention, at this stage, is simply to establish
a base from which one may set out on a Gothic journey. Most roads are good
roads, if our intent is fair, and our hearts are open to the new
and not yet known.
begin then, with these features:
of Gothic. An introduction to the variety of "Gothic" styles,
focusing upon Notre Dame of France and Canterbury of England.
in-depth profile of one of the earliest, and perhaps most significant of
all Cathedrals, Chartres of France.
EARTHLORE On-line Gallery presenting the photographic images of
Rhey Cedron An immersive experience.
EARTHLORE Deep Dig Learning Resource. A easy to access compilation
of Architectural terms and graphics.
offer only one suggestion: Take your time! Not only here, but in your
physical journeys to these cathedrals, should you choose to expand your
explorations. Let that which emanates from Amiens, Cologne, Salisbury,
Milan and each Grand Gothic attune with its reflection residing
within your own spirit.
Sit within . . . be still . . . breathe deep . . . feel . . .
give it time.
"A Gothic Dream"
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