Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
to Outtakes, the online book with eMediate Access to hundreds of color and black and white pictures, many with accompanying stories, that I have created over the past twenty five years. Note that these pages are very heavy with photographs and graphics and might take a long time to display on your computer. Setting your monitor to display thousands of colors or more will provide the best results.
The subjects presented are wide ranging as you'll see in the table of contents. Included are stories about witches, a Canadian island called Campobello, beaver trapping, the six smallest towns in New England, traveling the 45th parallel and many more. There are scenic photographs of all seasons, portraits of family, friends and acquaintences, and pictures of both common and notable events. Much of the material is from Yankee Magazine assignments done since 1980. If you've visited Outtakes in the past, take a look at what's been added recently.
don't always come true, do they? Well, the ability to publish photographs online is a dream come true for me. It means that I am no longer limited by the requirements or whims of commercial publishers
who might or might not agree with me about the value of a particular picture or story. I am able to put virtually anything online. It also means that the viewing life of a photograph is not limited to one month on the newsstand in a consumer magazine. These photographs can be made available for months or years at very low cost. There are none of the exhorbitant paper, printing or distribution costs associated with traditional publishing to a large audience. The only significant cost is my time.
The one limitation I still face is the promotion of my site. Since my primary interest in publishing these photographs is my personal satisfaction and your enjoyment (not the opportunity to earn money from the publication of the pictures) promotion is not as important as it would be to a traditional publisher. I know that if you find this project interesting or of some value you'll tell others about it. I'm in no hurry. Eventually many people will visit Outtakes.
Viewing photographs on a video monitor is, for me, akin to viewing projected slides. They seem to have a broader tonal range and they look less two dimensional than printed pictures. Although most of my photographs are displayed here at relatively small sizes (up to about 4x6 inches at the largest) I think you will be able to appreciate them in that size.
Everything here is available for you to view, download or print for free other than your access cost. That does not mean that you are free to publish these photographs elsewhere. They remain my property as the creator and copyright holder. Please do not redistribute them. Any commercial use of the pictures or any portion of them is prohibited without my express, written permission. If you wish to purchase specific use rights please contact me through email: [email protected].
These pages make use of some of the unique HTML extensions offered by the Netscape browser. Please consider using that program (if you are not already doing so) in order to see the pages as they were intended to be viewed. The background of many pages is the default Netscape gray, although some use different colors or background images. The font I use is 12 point Palatino, but any similar serif text font would give a close enough approximation of the look I intended when I designed the pages. There are Adobe Acrobat PDF files available for downloading so that I can display some layouts more accurately than is possible in HTML or so that I can show you how original printed layouts were composed.
I hope you will enjoy your visit.
I'm very pleased to say that Outtakes was selected as the "Spider's Pick of the Day" for June 22, 1995 and as the "Seeress of the WEB Vision" on June 28, 1995. I'm especially happy to be listed by the Realist Wonder Society on it's "People to Go, Places to See" page. Be sure to check out that wonderful site! If you need Web server space, please consider Xensei. They have great service and prices.
You are visitor number 35,602 since June 22, 1995.
[ Outtakes
Intro | Outtakes
Contents | Campobello
Contents ]
[email protected]
Copyright (c)1996