Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
INTERNETNew Sections!! We are pleased to inform our visitors that we have recently added Canadian Sport Horse and Quarter Horse to our "Breeds" section, as well as "Tack Shops" and "Farms", to bring you an even greater selection for all your equestrian needs!
The CANADIAN HORSE EXCHANGE INTERNET will provide horse enthusiasts the opportunity to present your horse or other related services on Internet. This opens the door to over 32 million (and growing) individuals on the system World Wide - a new global approach. Any person interested in your horse, service, association or item will contact you directly.
To advertise on this service you will discover the benefit of an inexpensive and wide reaching media market not available through other sources. Each ad placed will be listed for THREE months for one low fee of $15.00 CAN. This includes a a full-colour photo your horse, product or service.
We will offer FREE space to Canadian Associations for their events, or short news brief. However, this will be for text only, no pictures, unless the regular advertising fee is submitted.
For example, if you are advertising a horse we will require the following:
- your name
- telephone/fax
- mailing address
as well as ...
- photograph (preferably colour original)
- breed
- age
- hands
- remarks
Note: If you require your information/picture returned, please enclose a self addressed and stamped envelope.
All photos and information should be sent to:
- Canadian Horse Exchange Internet
266 Charlotte Street, suite #213
Peterborough, ON
K9J 2V4
(705) 639 - 2870 (Peterborough)
(416) 410 - 1228 (Toronto)
E-mail: chei@cycor.caAll checks are to be made payable to C.H.E.I. in the amount of $15.00 CAN. (GST included and ad is valid for 2 months).
CHEI Home � Table of Contents � Submission Info
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