Archived Pages from 20th Century!!



"Up the Moon"Rule

Up The Moon


Gregory Christeas, a Greek-American was born in Athens in 1944 and is now living in Marlboro, NJ. His work is on permanent display in many public and private collections throughout Europe, Canada and the United States.

Christeas' work is a masterful fusion of the colors and architecture of the Greek Islands and New York City. This fusion sets up an initial form of communication, with a storm of vibrant colors and multiple levels of kinetic-like forms. The communication is enhanced with a special language written within the forms as the artist is rediscovering his original thoughts of the higher spiritual plane in which he created them. This creates a movement and guides the viewer through a plethora of stairways and gates to higher levels of communication. The dynamics behind Christeas' new work is his personal goal of creating an art form which communicates a sense of discovery and delight for the viewer. Thus, Christeas created the, Aphthormitos Form" which stands for spontaneous expression of positive thought.

Christeas believes that the discovery and acquisition of new knowledge is the source of true happiness. The playfulness of Christeas' work, and his vivid depictions explodes with a conscience and a significance meant to be shared and explored. Thus, giving a sense of discovery and delight to his viewer.

Christeas' "Up the Moon" notes, shown here, are transformation instruments in the quest toward a higher self. These small works simmer with color and bespeak of positive change. They burst with freedom and inspire hope in those who face them honestly and curiously. Each a tour de force unto itself, these limited editions are the first introduction ever of Christeas' work in print.

Enter the Art World of Christeas!

Christeas have been supporting his art for over 30 years through his
Decorative Custom Interior Painting. His Interior Painting is more like art for walls
rather than just a coat of paint. See for yourself go to Quality Painters

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