Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

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is a very nice
thing. They allow us
all to see the grace of the
female form at it's best, and at
it's best it is very good indeed. Come
celebrate the beauty and charm of some
of America's most enticing Women. You have as

our new and
improved magazine,
Bikinis Are Wee. This first
bikini magazine on the net is still
the Bikini Capital of the Internet. Come
and enjoy the summer any time of the year,
with fresh new beautiful bikini girls every month

Here, you will find Video, a huge contest amoung the best girls of thuh Bull, Club LaVela and
our own Bikinis Are Wee Dolz, and wonderful archives on bikinidom. We will present the best
bikinis from the real world bikini capital, Panama City Beach, where bikinis on the
beach are just a way of life, and one may find a good bikini
On the                             contest going on just about every hour of                             And on
one hand, or should I                 every day. But we will also                 the other leg, we have
say leg, we have the Beach               cover bikini action               the largest night club in the
Bull Comedy Tabloid, a national           elsewhere.           world, Club LaVela, with their
humor magazine with a circulation of        enjoy.        pretty risky and oh so often bikini
11 readers. Locally owned by Japan                   contests.  This mammoth spring break
and Saudi Arabia and not affiliated in any       world of Rock-n-Roll  and fun will give
way with IBM, thuh Beach Bull provides       one an almost zen  level of appreciation
a unique  style of party animal humor so       for beautiful women.  They know this
that you may enjoy the summer & spring    bikinis scene the way the artist knows
break all year long. And let's talk about    canvas.  You will soon fall in love as
their bikini girls. Wow. Double wow if    you explore along their bikini super
you know what we mean. We really      highway.  They have girls coming
wonder  how they manage to come     from everywhere to compete. It
up with these babes. It seems that       is really pretty  unfair for all the
their editor must spend a tad too         other  contestants when  their
many hours at PCB's wonderful         girls are so fine. How do we
white beaches.  Heck, all of us          compete?  Well, we will so
have to work for a living. This          get ready. We have those
guy writes jokes all day long.          ICOZ  DOLZ and  they
So look fo'bikinis coming at          kind of  have their  own
you from Thuh Beach Bull            feelings about who they
along  with their fun in the            believe will win this bit
sun  magazine which you             of cyberstomping turf.
will also find  on this site.            So look for the action
We will also want others            to get hot.  Watch for
to compete. It you have            other  competitors as
bikini competitions then             well. Besides that we
e-mail us  about it. This             have a  considerable
is an ideal way to bring             number of other little
a lot of attention to you             pleasures so you will
and to your contest  at             never get  bored. So
no  cost to you. What              to begin with,  look
a deal.  We also want              for our Bikini of the
to invite  you girls out              week. We have the
there, even if you are              very best of bikinis
not a  part of a bikini              for your eye candy
contest, to send your              enjoyment  every 7
picture.  If we use it               days.  Remember
for our weekly best               that  all of our old
of  the  bikinis page                pics are still here.
we will pay you for                You can grab'em
your effort. We'll                   from our archive
send $50 to you                    at  any time you
for each photo.                     like. So please
Come back.                         enjoy it all.

Our Bikini of the Week is usually updated every week on Sunday. All girls in the contest section are updated once each month, and archives and the girls of participants' pages may change at any time. Try a visit to someone we hope will be our latest Russian friend, Alexander V. Ermolaev at his site. Let's see if he can tell how many hits he's getting. Those of you who like our bikini pages will probably also like the photographs of Roger Moore and the nude golf art of Paul Milosevich, and will probably also want to stop by our Studio Oz art site. We also hope that you will pay a visit to Michael Parks page, and our new and Rare Alternative Oz Rock Music Site. Mr. Parks, well known for his "Along Came Bronson" TV series is also a serious screenplay writer and movie director. We would like to thank the Four Points Hotel and the Texas Water Rampage, both of which are in Lubbock, Texas, for letting us use their facilities for our bikini shoots.


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All Content, Page Design, Layout and Artwork Copyright © by InterCity Oz, Inc. 1994, 1995, 1996.
Page Design, Layout and Artwork by Jimmy Dunn, President of InterCity Oz, Inc.