Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Welcome to the Homepage of PELUQUERIAS Hair Styles
Magazine: The world's most technical professional hair magazine!
"click" aquí para la versión española
RIZO'S (Spain). Photo by LUIS VIDAL.
(Click on the cover for the full-size version)
This Month in the
PELUQUERIAS Hair Styles Internet Edition:
5 sample photos, complete with step-by-step techniques, from some
of the world's great hairdressers!
Report: Our exclusive correspondent in London brings us the latest
in hair from the British Fashion Capital!
Guide: What's up with fashion? Luis Llongueras, one of the masters
of international hairdressing, fills us in!
Luis Llongueras' monthly column, exclusive for PELUQUERIAS, on the current
state of our profession.
Check out our professional/technical hairdresing video series! More styles
and techniques than any other video series!
PELUQUERIAS Hair Styles Magazine
Editor-Director: Luis Llongueras Batlle
Director of Edition: Juan
Assistant Director: Eva Prat
Graphic Design: Susana Estruch
Advertising Manager: Pauli Solé
Export Manager / Website
Design: Greg Robbins
Alcolea 43
08014 BARCELONA (Spain)
Telephone: (+343) 339 4907
Fax: (+343) 411 1994
E-mail: [email protected]
copyright 1996 PELUQUERIAS Hair Styles Magazine.