Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
got all the bugs out from the move (to a speedier box with more bwidth!!
THANKS JOE!) Please let us know if you run into a problem. And thanks to
all of you who wrote in to help us TS. To all our faithfulls... hope you
enjoy the new enhancements to the page..
BTW.... Congrats to AGD's ADA team 1... Anything Goes Again! (Beth (yes...our Beth), Melissa, Tommy, Josh, Dave and Fred) They are off to play in the Division semi-finals next week. Next Month: Weekly stats on Diablo 1 ADA and NCDA! And a job well done to our newest team - Anything Goes!
Introducing DARTS WORLD from the UK! The place for up to date info on the world's largest tournaments, events and players.
Welcome to Eric, AGD's newest addition. Not only does Eric Throw A Mean Game of Darts... he is also the trivia master for AGD's Dart Team : Anything Goes! Ask Eric Anything. He'll reply to your queries in The Ask Us Area.
Visit the OFFICIAL DARTMAN site. If you have a Commodore 64 and need a dart scoring program...this is the place. And if you don't have a 64, check it out anyway. Lots of GREAT games are listed here! COMING SOON..... DARTMAN for PCs
Check here if you are a Woodstock Collector!!
brand new catalog is almost ready to go... Take a sneak peak NOW!!
Thanks again to all of you that have continued to visit the site. We've been working non-stop behind the scenes to bring you the HOTTEST new dart equipment from North America's Largest Dart Distributors. We think you'll like it!!
Thanks to all of you that EMailed us with problems on the site...we're working to get them all going again... Anyone else LOVE Win95??
AGD has a great new addition coming soon... Keep an eye out for it.
And, as always, if you would like to contribute please don't hesitate to let us know. It's our goal to create a place where dart players from around the world meet to discuss the greatest sport ever played. We offer great packages to leagues and teams which include a free homepage here at Anything Goes.
We would also like to thank Bill Garland, Perry Israel and Bob Lanctot for allowing us to use their FAQ files. They are AWESOME!!!!
So have a great time and let us know what you think.
Us Anything..... Have a question on strategy, equipment or rules??Submit
your question and have it answered here.You'll get the most researched
answers available on the NET.
Come into the Pub!
Check out Places to go!
We are very interested in hearing what you think about this service. Please send us any comments you have on ways to improve the page. We are really interested in knowing if you play steel, electronic or both. Thanks and happy darting!!!
Last Updated May 21, 1996
We've been rated among the TOP 5% of all sites on the Internet by Point survey!!!! The first dart site to have this honor. Thanks to all of you for sticking with us. It wouldn't have happened with out you.
Beth Coyne [email protected]
Susan Prince [email protected]