Alaska The Wildlife CD-ROM
Retail: $24.95 Academic: $19.95
Alaska The Wildlife CD-ROM by calling (800) 866-5561.
Distributed through Computer Room Technologies, Inc.
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Tour of the CD.
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Hear a timber wolf howl. wolfhowl.aif
Download the Alaska The Wildlife Press Release.
Macintosh Version: Alaska
The Wildlife PR
Windows/MS-DOS Version: AKWPR.ZIP
Distributors welcome, please send e-mail
to us
for wholesale pricing information.
It's Wow...Cool...and Incredible!
Peeking into an eagle's nest...
Going nose to nose with a grizzly bear...
Flying over a crumbling glacier...
Exploring a volcano that's still steaming...
all that and much more in this multimedia
adventure packed with...
Award-winning Video
Stunning Photographs
Original Music
In-depth Information
"Alaska The Wildlife is a superb resource that every school
library media center should have available for students and teachers. This
CD-ROM provides highly motivating, interesting and informative learning
opportunities for students."
Linda Sutera
Library Media Specialist
Cromer Elementary School
Flagstaff Public Schools
Alaska The Wildlife CD-ROM runs on both
Windows and Macintosh computer systems.
Computer Requirements
Multimedia PC with at least 8 Mb of RAM 486SX or better processor 14
inch or larger color monitor SVGA video card with at least 256 colors at
640 x 480 resolution double speed CD-ROM drive 8 or 16 bit Sound Blaster
(or compatible sound card) Requires Windows 95/3.1 or newer operating system
Apple Macintosh computer with at least 8 Mb of RAM 68030 or better
processor 13 inch or larger color monitor with at least 256 colors at 640
x 480 resolution Double speed CD-ROM drive Requires Mac OS System 7.1 or
newer operating system
Alaska The Wildlife
This computer CD-ROM is an adventure that takes you to one of the most
amazing places on this planet. Whether you head to the treetops for a peek
inside the nest of a bald eagle or wade through a river for a nose to nose
encounter with a grizzly bear, you have a chance to see, hear and read
all about the animals and areas that you choose to explore.
We have packed in 80 QuickTime movies, more than 300 color slides, maps
and pop-up information boxes. There is a full library of natural sounds
and original music along with a textbook's worth of interesting and unusual
facts. Created by an Emmy-award winning production team, educators and
experienced software designers, this reference work has been reviewed and
approved by more than 25 wildlife experts - many on the leading edge of
research in their fields. We took great care to design a true multimedia
experience that will inform, impress and surprise every time you play this
Starting at Base Camp, you choose from 5 regions to visit from the Arctic
all the way to the end of the Aleutian Chain. Along the way, you will have
a chance to look, listen and learn all about polar bears, reindeer, muskox
and dozens of other wild animals. You will also have a chance to explore
the geology of each area. You can experience everything from a flight over
a crumbling glacier to a trip to the top of a steaming volcano.
Alaska The Wildlife is simple enough for young children to use without
being too simplistic for adults. Through extensive testing with users of
different age levels, we were able to design an interface that is intuitive,
easy and fun to use. The cursor changes from an arrow to a bear paw whenever
it is on an active area. As an added feature, users who click on their
mouse on an inactive area will trigger a help voice that offers tips and
navigating assistance.
Alaska The Wildlife offers a fresh approach to a subject that has proven
and universal appeal. Coupled with its quality design and depth of content,
we anticipate that this title will have broad appeal to both the home and
education markets. We also believe it has the potential to be targeted
at niche markets including travel agents, community libraries, conservationists
and sportsmen.
Alaska The Wildlife is the first CD-ROM adventure of the Expeditions Unlimited
series. Our goal in creating this series of CD-ROM titles is to provide
high quality edutainment software for exploring the world. We hope you
will agree that Alaska The Wildlife is an excellent start.

Alaska The Wildlife CD-ROM Contents
The CD-ROM version of Alaska The Wildlife contains detailed information
on the following areas and animals. Click on a link to see an example interface
from the CD-ROM. You can hear example narration, view a slide show and
read about the selected animal.
Getting Around
Vital Statistics
Alaska State Song
Trip Planner
The Adventure Continues
Arctic Map
The Arctic Ice Pack
Arctic Fox
Arctic Ground Squirrels
The Oil Fields
Interior Map
Denali National Park and Preserve
Dall Sheep
Grizzly Bears
Mount McKinley
Southwest Map
The Aleutian Chain
Katmai National Park
Kodiak Brown Bears
Red Fox
Roosevelt Elk
Southcentral Map
Prince William Sound
Dall Sheep
The Oil Pipeline
Southeast Map
The Inside Passage
Black Bears
Brown Bears
Mountain Goats
Sitka Black-Tailed Deer

To learn more about Alaska
try these other great sites:
Alaskan Center
Department of Fish and Game
Alaskan Wildlife
Alaska's Best Home Page
Anchorage Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Everything Under
The Midnight Sun
Environmental Resources for Education
Great Outdoor Recreation
Pages (GORP)
International Trade Directory
- Alaska
McClintocks Alaska
Nerd World: Alaska
North Slope Borough School
District: Alaskan Wildlife!
State of Alaska
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Visit us at The End
of the Road
West Anchorage High
Alaskan Links

Other "Cool" Web sites:
Aunt Annie's Craft Page
Barb's Travel Journal
Computer Currents Interactive
Janet's Chapter
Someone Sent
You a Flower!
Someone Sent You
a Wildlife Baby!
SuperKids Educational Software
For more information on this educational product contact:
Computer Room Technologies, Inc.
123 West Birch Avenue, Suite 100
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-4515
Call or FAX:
Tel: 1-800-866-5561
Fax: 1-520-773-1804
Alaska The Wildlife© 1995-1996 Stepping
Stone Software
MPC is a registered trademark of the Multimedia PC Marketing
Macintosh, QuickTime and the QuickTime Logo are registered trademarks of
Apple Computer, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Labs, Inc.
Director and the Made with Macromedia logo are registered trademarks of
Macromedia, Inc.
You are visitor number
since October 1,1996.
Web design and services by Go
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