Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
The TF web page The first TF page
progrmer TF web pageQuite a nice page, one of the first
The TF 2005 MUSH home
The TF
MUSH home page
The TF2 MUSH homepage
The Jetfire
Burt Ward's TF
Lui's TF encyclopedia!
Zeman's BotCon page
Vander Hoek's BotCon page.
TF Magic page.
Dave Van
Domelen's TF gallery.
BotCon gallery.
H. Pace's TF chronology
David Wilson's TF page.
Contains the movie script
Ammerlaan's TF page.
Orac's page, with TF Doom
Zeman's CMTF page.
Legault's TF page.
Lui's BotCon page.
Suzanne Ferree's
TF Fanfic page
The Transmasters
UK TF Fanfic page. Lots of fan-produced media
Thomas' story page.
John Kierstad's
TF page
Primacrons' TF page
Dirge's TF page
Sharp's TF image page
Cultt's TF page Watch out, you need Navigator 3
Humphrey's TF page
TF stuff(?) at NLCB&W
Comics Under constructi(c)on!
Lord Arkaynen's
TF page Slow, has some samples
Thorne's TF sketches Sketches of female TFs and A3
Blaster's page
Scans of UK comics
Kendrick's TF Weekday
page Kendrick's famous TF Weekday reviews!
Scans from the UK TF
comic Some scans from the UK comic I've put up
Some TF fan art
by me Scanned drawings and computer graphics
Stan Bush's homepage
They guy who sang "The Touch" in The Movie!
Lewis Brooks'
TF page Tech Spec 2000
Teletran's TF
page Quite a cool page, with MOV files from the movie
Skywarp's page Some
icons and pictures
Ben Yee's TF page
Beast Wars FAQ and more!
Nixtr's TF page Tech Spec reference, pictures, and much more
The #transformers
IRC channel page
The Firestar
web page Info and pictures of our favourite femme
J Stankiewicz's TF page Images from the series and movie
JaZz's page
Comic scans
Fabian Borges'
TF icons page
Cartoons: Transformers Mainly a mirror of the Vela archive
grabs from Call of the Primitives
TF page Under constructi(c)on!
The BotCon 96 page
TF page Not much as of yet.
Tetra Reris' TF
page. Tetra's material is well worth a visit.
The Rock's
TF page
Ho's TF page
Decepticon Club As of yet only in Spanish.
TF page Has pictures and other stuff
TF 2001 pages Simply great story and great pictures.
Red Ice's TF
page Has fanfic and links
The TF
transcript page Transcript of cartoon episodes
Gregory Gaub's TF page
Hey, it's getting cool!
TF page MIDI files and TF size list
cool raytraced image of Brainstorm, by C.Schell
Lord Xiphos'
TF page RPG (GURPS) stuff and more
TFs for sale at
CR Toys
Ajnin's TF page
Neat, it has samples!
Eric Shippee's TF sound
archive Unfortuntely, in RA format.
Rodimus' TF
page Not empty anymore
guy's TF page Parles vouz francais?
The TF Doom page
Lots of Doom stuff, plus samples and video clips
The Cybertron
Caf� One of the best sources for TF information ever
TF page Cartoon appearance list, videos and images
Knut Nyseth's TF page Image
archive and imagemaps galore
Fortress Maximus'
page The definitive resource for Fort Max info
Khoa Vuong's
TF page A case for BWADL. Has images of TF cards
TF page Alternative BeastWar continuity?
TF Ring page Now even the TF pages have a WebRing!
Menya's BW page
Has mouse pointers and pictures
Dave Richter's
BW page A great BeastWar page!
The Autobase
TF page With another Beast Wars page. Many images.
Patrick Dilloway's
TF page Has TF and Beast War WADs. Neat!
David P's TF
page TF story book and pictures
page Uh, it has links...
Statts' TF page Image archive and MUSH logs
Joona Palaste's
TF page It's the crazy Finn! =)
Craven's TF page Another Beast Wars page? Wow.
Phoenix Wars
Need I say more? My favourite fanfic
archives A fine index of TF info
Sean Holshu's
Japanese TF page Oooer, Japanese TFs!
TF page Many samples
Elegy Dirge's Beast Wars icon
page Fanfic
and file archive
LeoCaesar's (?) TF
page Has interesting japanese TF info
Beast Wars page The official BW page
Power's TF text page Features one of my fav fanfics +more
Nightbeat page One of my favourite TFs, too
The BotCon
97 page "Bringing it back to the fans"
TF page With fan-created character specs, etc
Primal's BW page Beastwars bio and tech specs
Naonori Naito's TF page
A great source of Japanese TF info
TF page Get the top 10 lists directly from the source!
Wars A new TF/BW crossover fanfic
Phule's TF page
Whoa, catalogue scans!
The Transformers online
The archive
archive, under construction.
The archive,
last updated by me on 960121.
An archive with logs
from the TF2k5 MUSH
Vander Hoek's archive, highly recommended.
Robert A
Jung's fanfic archive
TF 2005 MUSH (TF 2k5)
Cybertronian Dreams MUSH
TF MUSH Refuge at Living
TF2 MUSH, the Second Generation
New address!
The Transformers
FAQ, by Steve Stonebraker. Version 4.1!
A bad TF tech
specs list, by Cloo.
An info text about
CWTS (Cybertronian Wars MUSH)
A text about coming
TFs and how to order them.
The complete TF
toy list, by Robert A Jung. New!
The TFs I have,
for your excitement.
An info text
about BotCon 95, the
TF convent.
A very
good Bio & Tech Specs list,
by Hex.
A Transformer
episode guide, by
Aaron Marsh.
A list of
gestalt Transformers,
TFs that combine, by Marek Kozubal.
You know you're
obsessed with TFs, when...,
A parody
on TF: The Movie,
by Stanley Lui.
Lyrics to
all the japanese TF cartoons,
typed in by Tetra Reris.
TF quotes
from a.t.t, typed in by Naomi Novik.
A lot of TF
tag lines, typed in
by Ryan Keefer.
Laser Optimus
Prime, reviewed by
Dave Van Domelen.
The Laser Cykles,
reviewed by Dave Van Domelen.
The recoloured
Autobot Cyberjets,
reviewed by Dave Van Domelen.
Dave van Domelen
reviews the british Fleetway G2 comic.
The Gathering, by
Dave Van Domelen.
Ideal Soldier:
A fanfic by Sidney Hill
Play with me:
Another fanfic by Sidney Hill.
Play with me:
Second part.
Play with me:
Third part.
Play with me:
Fourth part.
Play with me:
Fifth part.
Play with me:
Sixth part.
Sidney Hill is
looking for these TFs.
A cross-over
between TF and Animaniacs,
by Diana Calder
New tech specs
for various recolours and such,
by msipher.
More new tech
specs, this time for the Minibots,
by msipher.
New specs
for the Breastforce,
renamed "Beastmasters", by KKC.
The Transformers
font as a font for Windows!
about Cybertronian Dreams, the new TF MUSH.
Information about
the UK Transformer comics,
by Martin McVay.
A list of non-toy
TFs in the UK and US comics,
by Martin McVay.
The TF fan purity
test, by Diana Calder.
Version 2.1!
A list of Japanese
toys, by Tetra Reris.
The TF FanFic
list, by Suzanne Ferree.
Top 10 signs
that you're obsessed with TFs,
by Robert A Jung.
A try to merge
Takara's pre-TF continuity with TF,
by Marc Miyake.
A list of TFs deceased,
by Tetra Reris.
A summary of
all American cartoon episodes,
by Tetra Reris.
about The Survivors, a TF club.
A list
of TFs only released in Europe,
by Andrew Frankel.
The Autorollers,
reviewed by Dave Van Domelen.
The Autobot
insignia as ascii,
by Wolverine.
Tech Specs for
the Micromasters,
by KKC.
Tech specs
for more Micromasters,
by KKC.
The Cunticons,
byy Alan J Laser.
A TF/Gobots parody,
by Alan J Laser.
Information about
a TF RPG, by Derrick
The Lamercons,
presented by
Optimus Primal
and Megatron, reviewed
by Phil Zeman.
John Szymanski
is looking for this.
The voices from
TFTM, by John Szymanski.
Tech Specs for
the Playschool TFs,
by Dave Van Domelen.
The TF Classics,
toy proposals by MSipher.
The Smurfs vs.
Transformers, by Cosmos.
The Beast Wars
leader pack, reviewed
by Dave Van Domelen
The Regular
Beast Wars, reviewed
by Dave Van Domelen.
The DeLuxe
Beast Wars, reviewed
by Dave Van Domelen.
The comprehensive
Japanese TF list,
by Swiper.
Info about
BotCon 96
TF voice list, by
Pardon Me,
Tankacons, a fanfic,
stats, and MUSH stuff, by Eric Y Cheu.
Altered Beast
part 1, a Beast War
fanfic by MSipher!
The Beast Wars
FAQ, by Benson Gregory
The TF resource
locator, by our friendly
FAQ keeper. =)
Go to the TF IRC channel, #transformers on DalNet!
An info text
about the TF Refuge on Living Fiction
The TF theme
song in French, typed
in by Elmo
Info about a new
A list of Australian
TFs, by Dirge.
A list of
character appearances in the cartoon,
by Sarai
10 things guaranteed
to intimidate your Decepticon opponent,
by Ratbat.
10 things TFs
don't want others to know about them,
by Ratbat.
The top 10 reasons
Optimus and Rodimus were the best leaders,
by Ratbat.
The top 10 reasons
Grimlock was the best leader,
by Ratbat.
The top 10 reasons
Megatron and Galvatron were the best leaders,
by Ratbat.
10 things guaranteed
to intimidate your Autobot opponent,
by Ratbat.
10 more things
TFs do not want others to know about them, by
A parody
of TFTM, by Ratbat
The top 15 Autobots
vs Decepticons list,
by Ratbat.
that Hasbro rejected,
by David Willis.
Excellent Adventure,
a fanfic by David Willis.
New tech
specs for various toys,
by Msipher.
Comic vs cartoon
Top 10, by Ratbat.
Why Galvatron
is insane, by Ratbat.
Why Prowl
and Starscream never will become leaders,
by Ratbat.
A petition to
Marvel to bring back the comic,
by Sheila Willis.
Top 10:
Why TF fandom is better than Star Trek fandom,
by Lizard.
Top10: Why
BW Megatron is better than the original,
by Zobovor.
Top10: Why
the original Megatron is better than the BW,
by Zobovor.
Top10: Why
Croc Megatron is better than the T-Rex,
by PG Psycho.
Why Mindwipe deserves more respect,
by Suzanne Ferree.
Top10: Why original
OP is better than OPrimal,
by Kathryn Pinault
Why not to have a binary partner,
by Ratbat.
Top 10:
What happened to Sparkplug after the movie,
by Ratbat.
TF conversations overheard,,
by Sammy Chau.
The TF codes,
compiled by Phil Zeman.
The Transformers
Infolocator, by Mr.
FAQ Keeper
The TF
reproduction list,
by Playground Psychotic.
Top 10: Why
Shockwave isn't running for president,
by Ratbat.
Autobot Machine
Wars reviewed, by
Ben Yee.
Machine Wars reviewed,
by Ben Yee.