Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
This year Barbie doll will look smashing in her brand new Fashion Avenue outfits. Here's a glimpse of four of the new fashions. The new Fashion Avenues are currently showing up in stores. To view pictures of the new fashions, click on the picture at the bottom of this page.
1997 Collectors line Barbie dolls updated 1\19\97 1997 Exclusive Barbie dolls updated 1\19\97 1997 Barbie doll fashions and accessories updated 1\19\97 |
Barbie Gossip updated 1\19\97 Books on Barbie doll collecting updated 1\19\97 Links to other Barbie sites updated 1\19\97 |
Prototype Barbie dolls updated 1\19\97 What do YOU think? updated 1\19\97 |
Here's a picture of the poster thats included on the booklet with the new Fashion Avenue outifts. The purple party dress on the left isn't pictured in the booklet and neither is the blue evening gown. I hope Mattel continues the Fashion Avenues every year!
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since 3/6/96.
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Copyright© 1996,1997-Jessica Hagen. All rights reserved. Barbie® is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc and I am in no way affiliated with Mattel. All other trademarks are copyright of their respective owners. This page was created in March 1996.