Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Welcome Aboard! You're thePancake Crazed Marine to visit
our beloved Squadron!
We are a local division of the 96th Recon Battalion. If you are a Space Above and Beyond fan, and you live in the great state of Texas, you are eligible to join the MAD PANCAKES. If you Are not from Texas, love the show, or are intrested in joining a unit in your area, WE would love for you to visit and log in in our log book below. Our mission is to spread the word about a great show, and to do the best we can to bring said show back. In between that we will have a chance to socialize, and discuss the show. Sound good so far? Excellent...then register now with our official LOG BOOK! If you want to see who's already on the list, check out ourMembers page !
If you are interested in joining and have questions, send mail to LT. Col Niki of The Mad Pancakes . You can expect a reply within 72 hours.
Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there, I do not sleep, I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond's glint on snow, I am sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn's rain, When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight, I am the soft stars that shine at night, Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die.
Author Unknown......
Where did we get the name Mad Pancakes? Then you want to know who Ray Butts is Under Construction
It's as easy as eating pancakes..
This is the E-mail Address for FOX, It may not mean much, but they do have to read their E-mail, and count it. So if your not in a hurry and you wanna vent your opinion, Then I urge you to write! Be vehement, but don't be rude or crude, and don't threaten to boycott. The address is [email protected]Semper Fi!! By the way, the FOX site for SPACE is changed to this =saab/ So write it down and go for it! There is still a Space Board, the format changed, but it's still there! Good Luck!!
Here is the update for October 3rd 1996 From Pat Moss
Space: Above and Beyond Status:
I just talked to Peter Roth's office, and it seems he (and his staff) are big fans of the show. In fact, Roth was one of the people who first Okay-ed the show when he worked at 20th Century Fox Television.
According to Roth's office, Fox Broadcasting (FB) would be willing to listen to a pitch from Glen Morgan and James Wong to bring the show back. FB primary concern is the fact that many of the cast and crew may have moved on to other projects. This is not to say that if M&W pitch a renewal that it will happen, but it is a sign that FB is willing to listen. Coupled with XXCFT's willingness to produce the show if a network purchases it, this is very good news indeed.
I called Morgan and Wong to tell them the news. It didn't seem as if they knew about this change of events with Roth at the helm. We can only wait and hope that M&W wish to continue production of the show and decide to pitch it to FB, and that FB decides to pick up an option on Space putting XXCFT back in the Space Production business.
With the faltering ratings at FOX, we may win the war yet. With the ratings after X-Files and Millennium, we'll know just how hard to fight and where we should poke. :)
Campaigns/Operations/Fan News:
Part One: Lush Life and Party Girl are history. It is now time to concentrate on the lower rated shows till the revamped LA Firefighters (Fire Co. 132) premieres. We need to do this up through December when Millennium premieres and has broadcast about 4-8 episodes; giving us material to judge it by. We need to let FOX know what shows don't cut it, while also creating opportunities (timeslots) for S:AAB to be picked up as a mid-season replacement. Send letters either:
Fox Broadcasting Network P.O. Box 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90213
Part Two: If S:AAB is to return, 20th Century Fox Television would produce new episodes. FOX Broadcasting no longer has the option on the S:AAB property; they (or another network/syndicator) would need to purchase it. Rumor has it that at least one other network has made inquiries. The time to write is now! Network executives are currently looking at ideas for mid-season replacements, so start writing! In our letters, we can cite:
etters should be sent to:
Mr. Charlie Goldstein, President 20th Century Fox Television P.O. Box 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90213
In conjunction with Operation: FINAL ASSAULT, the 96th will be working with the 72nd Air Cavalry. Mark Gray has proposed that we have a mass snail and email mailing on October 25th, to FOX Broadcasting, calling for the return of S:AAB. This will be accomplished by the use of a intermediate address. We are asking that all squadrons join in the operation by writing at least one letter regarding your feelings on the cancellation of "Space Above And Beyond". The letters should be stamped and addressed to:
Peter Roth, Chairman, CEO Fox Broadcasting Network P.O Box 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90213
We are asking that all letters be sent to the 72nd's intermediate address so that we can have them all arrive at the same time. We would like to time this right, so if the letters could arrive before or during the week of October 21st - 25th, that will be the best for us in getting everything done on time and as planned.
A window of opportunity has opened for us with the shuffling of FOX's programming schedule. Now is the time to take advantage of that opportunity. The 72nd is looking forward to working with us to make our collective goal a reality. Questions can be answered by Torrey Harris at: [email protected]or Mark Gray at: [email protected] The 72nd's R.O.S. homepage is at: >
The intermediate address to send letters to is:
Kate MacCullugh/ROS P.O. Box 6925 San Bernardino, CA 92412
James Morrison recently finished filming an early episode of Millennium. His character's name is "Jim" and is apparently a very very good character; rumor has it as good as McQueen. The character is *not* recurring as far as anyone has said.
Tucker Smallwood will be appearing in the October 11th episode of The X-Files. He plays a small-town sheriff named Andy Taylor.
Pat Moss announced that he had to shut down the fan-email gateway. Matt Staub of the 92nd Squadron (the official Kristen Cloke Fan Club) has set up a fan-email gateway to go with the Kristen Cloke web page:
can also reach this gateway via your email program. Here's how it works:
You send your message to
Inquiries into other networks perhaps acquiring the rights
to Space: Above and Beyond are being looked into. Letters can be sent to
the following networks -
WB Network | UPN Network |
4000 Warner Blvd. | 5555 Melrose Ave. |
Burbank, CA 91522 | Los Angeles, CA 90038 |
This is a listing of rants and past posts, If you have simething to say, e-mail with it and I'll post it!Scuttlebutt Corner
COMING SOON: TRIBUTE TO RAY BUTTS, THE COMPLETE E-MAIL LIST FOR THE 28TH (already in operation and growing everyweek) ...AND A WHOLE LOT MORE!!!!
This Site was created on 20 June 96 was last updated on October 6th 1996 by Major Ethan Juarez. Visit my web pageBUREAU 13. The 28th's logo was created by Major Fred Rogers AKA TEXAS FRED. Thanks and SEMPER FI Fred! This Web page is currently under construction and was originally inspired by Sniper Team 13 or The Blue Foxes of Arkansas. More stuff is coming, So KEEP WRITING THOSE LETTERS and let us get the SHOW ON THE ROAD!!!Operation Space Web
The characters and situations of the television show SPACE: Above and Beyond are the creations of Glen Morgan and James Wong, Hard Eight Productions and Fox Broadcasting Network. This site intends no copyright infringement and has been created to lend support to the cast, crew and fans of SPACE: Above and Beyond. Counter was Provided by