Harms Handy Home Pages
Welcome to the Phonecard Pages of Harm van Essen, with
links to many phonecards / telecartes related sites.
If you are looking for information about phonecards, want to jump to
other phonecard sites or just want to take a look at the latest
(January '97) Dutch Phonecards, this is the right site!
Jump directly to Collectors, Compagnies,
Manufacterers, Miscelaneous,
Others sites, Pictures, or
My address
Collectors Sites
These are links to pages of other phonecards collectors
These are links to phonecards issuing compagnies, with many pictures
of phonecards, and information about phonecards
of Man)
Chip manufacterers
Other non phonecards related sites
Pictures of phonecards

These are the latest cards from holland showing front
and back.(January '97)
My Adress
Harm van Essen
Middenmolenlaan 47
2807 DL Gouda