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by Tay Vaughan
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For Immediate Release
OAKLAND, Calif. ( May 15, 1995) -- Timestream, Inc. today announced the much-anticipated release of the CD-ROM title Multimedia: Working it Out! by pioneer Tay Vaughan. This hybrid CD-ROM, two years in the making, is a complete interactive reference guide to multimedia for Windows and Macintosh platforms. It teaches the basics of constructing video productions, animations, demo disks, interactive tour guides, interactive kiosks, presentations, interactive training, simulations, prototypes and more. It also covers the business side of multimedia in detail -- from costing, contracting, and managing a project to dealing with difficult clients and testing, marketing, and delivering finished multimedia products. Multimedia: Working it Out! is designed not only as a primer for people who are new to multimedia but also as a useful tool for those already familiar with multimedia but needing direction and advice when building their own products. It explains with great detail and with many examples, tips, and warnings how to create the basic elements of multimedia - text, audio, graphics, animation, and video - and then weave them into finished projects. It also describes how to organize, design, and produce a project; how to design a navigation system; what hardware, software, and authoring tools to use; and how to package and deliver a final commercial product. Sample forms for model releases, contracts, bug reporting, and other helpful documents are included as text files. Multimedia: Working it Out! is easy to install.
Woven throughout the work are many first-person accounts about true multimedia crises and disasters counterbalanced by late-night happy solutions to seemingly insurmountable technical problems. Quotes from more than fifty industry experts and players are included to provide often sage advice and cautions. Testimonials from the trenches include job descriptions and work definitions by well-known project managers, writers, graphic artists, sound and video editors, and programmers. The disc includes real-world problem-solving examples and illustrated candid war stories from producers such as Luminaria, Kallisto, Onyx, Zelos!, and others.
"Since 1987, I have been lecturing about multimedia to audiences at conferences such as MacWorld Expo, CD-ROM Expo, MILIA, SPA, and the IICS in the U.S. and abroad," says Vaughan , "After a few years, it became clear that many people's questions repeated themselves, no matter the language or the venue. This CD-ROM answers many of these questions and provides a Big Picture, with many hours of concentrated material of interest and usefulness to all members of the multimedia community."
Multimedia: Working it Out! offers more than five hours of "seat time" and provides three methods of navigation through its rich information content:
Hierarchical Menus. Using a familiar menu system, users may click through a logically-arranged hierarchy of choices that lead to greater and greater detail. Basic topics include Animation, Graphics, Hardware, Interaction, Production, Software, Sound, Text, and Video. Help is always available.
Navigation Map. An interactive graphical map of the disc's information content allows users to jump about through topics and quickly visit subject matter of immediate interest or curiosity.
Index. A traditional text-based index offers more than 1500 entries in scrolling windows.
A sampler containing screen captures is available at
Multimedia: Working It
The MSRP for Multimedia: Working it Out! is $32.95 and the disc will be available in the North American market and abroad through computer stores, warehouse stores, mail order catalogs, direct sales, and the Internet. For a preview of the product and ordering information, customers can connect to the World Wide Web at Direct sales are also available from Timestream, Inc. at 1-800-TYM-TIME. Click here for ordering information.
Tay Vaughan is a pioneer in the multimedia industry and is author of Multimedia: Making It Work, a 500-page hands-on textbook for multimedia developers and producers published in many languages throughout the world by Osborne/McGraw-Hill (3rd Ed., 1996), and of Using HyperCard (Que, 1988). He is also a contributing editor at New Media Magazine. Vaughan has produced multimedia for clients including Apple, Lotus, Microsoft, Novell, Tandy, Sun, and many others, and he lectures widely at industry forums and conferences in the United States, Europe, and the Pacific Rim.
Timestream is a full service multimedia developer, producer, and publisher of interactive multimedia tiles. Timestream is a registered trademark of Timestream, Inc.
6114 LaSalle Avenue, Suite 300
Oakland, California, 94611 U.S.A.
510-339-2463 Voice
510-339-6469 Fax