Born: 1955 January 18
While a marketing student at California State University in Fullerton,
American actor Kevin Costner became involved with community
theatre. Upon graduation in 1978, Costner took a marketing job that
lasted all of 30 days before he decided to take a crack at acting. At
least that's the official story; though Costner would probably like to
cremate the memory, the fact is that he made his film debut in 1974 in
the ultra-cheapie Sizzle Beach USA. No matter. When Costner
seriously decided to take up acting, he went the usual
theatre-workshop, multiple-audition route. Casting directors saw
potential, but weren't quite sure how to use Costner; besides, the
novice actor had a bad habit of speaking up if something bothered him
on the set. That may be why his Big-Studio debut in Night Shift
(1982) consisted of little more than background decoration and the
subsequent Frances (1982) featured Costner as an offstage voice.
Director Lawrence Kasdan liked Costner enough to cast him in the
important role of the suicide victim who motivated the plot of The Big
Chill (1983), but when the film was released, all we saw of Costner
were his dress suit and necktie as the undertaker prepared him for
burial during the opening credits. Two years later, a guilt-ridden
Lawrence Kasdan chose Costner for a major part as a hell-raising
gunfighter in the "retro" Western Silverado (1985) - and this time he
was on camera for virtually the entire film. Costner's big breakthrough
came with a brace of baseball films, released within months of one
another: in Bull Durham (1988), the actor was taciturn minor-league
ballplayer Crash Davis, and in Field of Dreams he was Ray Kinsella,
a farmer who constructed a baseball diamond in his Iowa cornfield
when The Voice said "If you build it, he will come." His Hollywood
clout amplified by the combined box-office success of these films
enabled Costner to make his directing debut. With a minuscule budget
of $18 million, Costner went off to the Black Hills of South Dakota to
film the first Western Epic that Hollywood had seen in years, a
revisionist look at Indian-White relationships titled Dances With
Wolves (1990). Detractors had a field day with this supposedly
foredoomed project, labeling the film "Costner's Folly" and "Kevin's
Gate." But he who laughs last...Dances with Wolves was not only
one of 1990's biggest moneymakers but also that year's Academy
Award-winning film; additionally, Costner copped an Oscar as Best
A curious costume epic Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
(1991) followed, with Costner as the world's first
Oklahoma-accented Robin Hood; this, too, made money, though it
seriously strained Costner's longtime friendship with the film's director,
the notoriously erratic Kevin Reynolds. The Bodyguard (1992), an
improbable concoction which teamed Costner with Whitney Houston,
did so well at the box-office that it seemed the actor could do no
wrong. But A Perfect World (1993), directed by Clint Eastwood and
casting Costner against type as a half-psycho, half-benign prison
escapee, was a major disappointment, even though Costner came
through with one of his best performances. Unfortunately, Costner
followed Perfect World with another cast-against-type failure, the
1994 sagebrush dud Wyatt Earp, which proved that even director
Lawrence Kasdan can have his off days. Costner's most recent film
Waterworld received an enormous amount of negative publicity prior
to opening because it was way over budget and schedule, however, it
opened to good critical reviews and so far, has been enjoying
box office success.