Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Version 5.0- Latest Revision 12/24/96
Latest notes:
Season's greetings, happy New Year... and, if you're new to computers or the Internet, a special welcome to BalletWeb! This Web site is designed to be as easy as possible to use. For a few basic tips, try clicking "Help" in the navigation bar below. Enjoy your visit!
To our immense embarassment, we only now noticed that for the past month, the navigation bars on our home page (that's this page right here) didn't work! They're fixed now, we hope!
Several new letters from readers in "Spotlight." Check 'em out!
BalletWeb is now part of the Ballet Webring, a new Internet "guided tour" organized by the intriguingly named Lady Becky of the Hills. If you'd like to tour the rest of the ballet webring, or find out more about webrings in general, click on one of the links at the bottom of this page.
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