Skynet - Screenshots

Bethesda software managed what can be viewed as a licensing coup several
years ago, when they picked up the rights to produce games based upon the
Terminator films. A variety of related games were released, some good, some bad,
but matters came to a head last year when they released
Terminator: Future Shock. Players were invited to take up their plasma
rifles, and fight against the machines across a number of 3D arenas, including
enemy complexes, gloomy battlefields, taking down all manner of mechanical nasties
upon the way. It used Bethesda's X-nGINE system to great effect,
and all who bought it were quite chuffed. Except, there was thing missing. While
there were a number of single player missions, there was no multi-play at all. No
opportunity to slug it out with another player, which was a shame because some
of the pock-marked battlefields would have made excellent deathmatch arenas, with
all manner of obstacles and buildings to use for cover.
Bethesda have tried to rectify the situation with the next game in the
Terminator series, named Terminator: Skynet. They've
added a spanking new multi-player option, which lets you pick a human or
terminator soldier of your choice, and slug it out with other human
Of course, for those people without access to an expensive network, or
free local calls, there's the single player mode; Skynet,
the big 'self-aware' computer that leads the war against humankind, has managed
to get its cybernetic hands upon a nuclear missile, and is now planning to use
it to finish off the human resistance. Something to do with a dodgy
Pentium chip, I reckon. You play the hard-boiled freedom fighter sent in to
foil its plans. You can kick metal hide when Terminator: Skynet
hits the street in December.
Copyright © Chris McMullen for the Games Domain Review, 1996. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without permission.