Get Ready For A Whole New Level Of Computer Chess.

Chessmaster 5000 has it all. A refined opening book editor and 20 new interactive tutorials make this ideal computer chess program for all skill levels. Our new coach window gives you a quick summary of all possible moves and their consequences. Chessmaster 5000 even offers you easy access to the Internet using the new AT&T WorldNet(sm) Service! There's no more convenient, comprehensive chess program anywhere.
SAVE $10. Chessmaster 5000 celebrates the Holiday Season with a special price of $29.99 (reg $39.99) when ordered from the Mindscape website. This special price will only be available from 12/13/96 to 1/6/97, so act today! Chessmaster 5000 makes the perfect gift for the chess fans on your list.
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Choose to play against the style of a famous Grandmaster like Bobby Fischer |
Create your own competitor with the personality editor |
Download PGN formatted games from online chess forums to use in Chessmaster 5000 |
Gain insight from Masters like John Nunn, Yassar Seirawan, and Eric Schiller |
A third generation, 32-bit engine for unparalleled performance |
Dazzling graphics with new chess sets and boards |
60 new opening books, customized to simulate the play of famous Grandmasters |
A new chess database that includes 27,000 celebrated games |
Be sure to visit Chessmaster Online at www.chessmaster.com |
System Requirements:
[Windows '95 - CD-ROM] IBM PC or compatible with a 486 DX/66 MHz processor or better, 8MB of RAM, a 256-color display; Windows 95; a double-speed CD-ROM drive; Microsoft compatible mouse.
To Place Your Order Online:
Select the platform and the quantity desired, then click on "Add to Basket."
You may view your Shopping Basket or finalize your order at any time
by clicking the "View Basket/Place Order" button.
Platform: Windows '95 - CD-ROM | Retail Price: $69.95 | Your Price: $29.99 |