Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Eight years ago, I woke up one morning and the coffee just didn't taste right. Going to work wasn't satisfying. My boyfriend and I weren't getting along. I didn't enjoy life and was tired of wishing for things to get better. I knew something in my life was missing and I knew I had to GET IT BACK! It was time to take my life into my own hands. I thought back to a time when I was younger, more content. BINGO! Like turning on a light bulb, I realized what was missing. My virginity! Something I had never thought twice about, was the answer to my problems. Then I started asking around. I was surprised to find out that people had been trying to get their virginity back for centuries. I had to GET IT BACK! in order to be whole again. What
is VRS 3000?
You have lost your virginity and you can GET IT BACK! I know. It happened to me. Take your future in your hands. Join me and thousands of others. The world is your oyster and your virginity is the pearl. |
© The Society for the Recapture of Virginity, Inc. & Razorfish,
Inc. All rights reserved.