Julie Delpy
The first web page devoted exclusively to the wonderful French
Created: 9/18/95.Last updated: 9/6/96.

Born: 1970 in Paris.
Parents: Albert and Marie (both actors).
Julie was discovered by Jean Luc Goddard, and cast in his film, "Detective,"
when she was 14.
Her one admitted vice: smoking.
A more extensive (though somewhat outdated) bio
of Julie (courtesy of Avary's Domain).
Address for fan mail:
Julie Delpy
c/o The William Morris Agency
151 Ele Camino Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Note: Links to The Internet Movie Database are down at the moment.
- Les mille merveilles de l'univers (The Thousand Wonders of the
Universe), scheduled release: 1997.
- An
American Werewolf in Paris (filming in Paris and Luxembourg). Directed
by Anthony Walker. [the Werewolf]
- Tykho Moon,
1996. Directed by Enki Bilal.[Lena]
- Blah, Blah,
Blah, 1995. A twelve minute short directed by Julie Delpy. [no
- Before Sunrise,
1995. Directed by Richard Linklater. [Celine].
- Killing Zoe,
1994. Directed by Roger Avary. [Zoe].
- Sunny
Side Up, 1994. Directed by Bettina Speer. [as herself]
- Three
Colours: Blue, White, and Red, 1993 - '94. Directed
by Krzysztof
Kieslowski. [Dominique].
- The
Three Musketeers, 1993. Directed by Stepen Herek. [Constance].
- Younger
and Younger, 1993. Directed by Percy Aldon. [Melodie].
- Warszawa
(Tragarz puchu, Warsaw-Year 5703 ), 1992. Directed by Januz Kijowski.
- Voyager (Homo
Faber ), 1991. Directed by Volker Schloendorf. [Sabeth].
- Europa, Europa (Hitlerjunge
Salomon ), 1990. Directed by Agnieszka Holland. [Leni].
- La
Noche Oscura (The Dark Night ), 1988. Directed by Carlos
Saura. [The Virgin Mary].
- King Lear,
1987. Directed by Jean Luc Goddard. [?].
- The
Passion of Beatrice, 1987. Directed by Bertrand Tavenier. [Beatrice].
- Mauvais
Sang (Bad Blood, The Night is Young ), 1986. Directed by
Leos Carax. [Lise].
- Detective,
1985. Directed by Jean Luc Goddard. [a wise young girl].
Additional movie information links provided courtesy of the Internet
Movie Database.
Most of these pictures can be found on the various websites listed below.
Before Sunrise.
Killing Zoe.
Other Photos
Related Links