Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

the blue dot
ever evolving converging growing
changing slipping dripping
interacting jamming experiencing
rocking feeling seething sliding
wandering ingesting snoozing
enjoying hunting vibrating pushing
gathering absorbing
rotating pulling breathing.
typoGRAPHIC newly expanded!
An introduction to some issues of typography, the first in a series of digital experiences relating to design.
Jill Greenberg: The Manipulator updated!
Jill "The Manipulator" Greenberg is at large and dangerous. It's up to you to check out the shots of: Brian Eno, David Bowie, Cibo Matto, Sonic Youth, Radiohead, DJ Spooky, Afghan Whigs and Moby.
Are You Sane?
Take this little quiz written by Harmon Leon and you tell us...
Spencer Tunick: Naked Pavement
An intimate view of the artist and
his work, including a exhibition of images from his Naked Pavement
series and information about the Naked States project.
Crash and Burn
Just the Desert, the Road and You (Requires the shockwave plug-in)
Annoy your friends! Crash your browser! Use only as directed,
or as a screensaver. Another silly waste of time from MC PC and DJ JD.
Danny Clinch Photographs
An online exhibition featuring the photography of Danny Clinch,
a New York native known for his work with music celebrities.
This collection includes shots of Eddie Vedder, Digable
Planets, Urge Overkill, and other musical celebrities.
Razorfish: Save Time '96
It's a shame...Year after year we throw away perfectly good calendars. Friends, there is a solution.
J.K. Potter: Biomorphosis
An extraordinary gallery of images displaying Potter's remarkable technical virtuosity and turbulent imagination
Melanie Einzig, Rabbit Rat
Rabbit Rat is a freedom fighter. Part cockroach, part rat, part
unruly squirrel and sneaky cat. This online exhbition has images,
poems, and discussion areas.
A collection of unauthorized US postage stamps. You
don't want to miss this one...
James Worrell: recent works
Eleven examples of elegance, by New York photographer James Worrell.
Gargoyle Quest
Get Transparanoid! Follow the Transparanoia Bros. as they
travel through Europe and hunt (or are
they hunted by?) gargoyles. Part photographic survey,
part hyperlinked transparanoia-induced communiques,
the first installment is now here.
The Manhattan Address Locator
Going somewhere in Manhattan, but don't know the cross
street? Let the Address Locator help you out!
My Ching
Another spew from MC PC -- this time its a poem based on the
Chinese I-Ching.
Have comments? If so, send email to [email protected].
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