Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
![]() 11/11/96 |
Completely Designed And Operated by Dawn M. Whitham
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Archived Pages from 20th Century!! Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
E mail address and URL change
Archived Pages from 20th Century!! Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
The Change in Providers
Hi! Thanks for visiting my NEW Personal Website! This one page is the new gateway to where my Website now resides. Please mark this new URL in your bookmarks and update any links to me that you might have. I will be removing my old page from the Continuum system at the end of November, and cancelling my account with them. I plan to be be here at ctol for a while and building this site as large as I can!
Please note that my e-mail address has also changed. I am now able to begin to return more letters, but only if they are sent to the correct, ctol address. Anything sent to continuum I can not recieve, so I will be unable to return them. I am now with my new providers, Connecticut On-line Communications...ctol for short. This new site address is... .This new email address is...[email protected] . Again, I do apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused anyone.
New Website in the Making!
My Website is undergoing changes with a new improved look! Let me give you a little run down on what will be happening. My Website will now have two zones. -ZONE ONE is for my Digital Graph/X Business which will cover Web graphics, freelance work, design, program and tech talk, software, personal resume, Computer gab and such. We can e mail each other and discuss anything about any of these topics, exchange tips and help each other out. -ZONE TWO will cover Bodybuilding, fitness, training and nutrition, as well as my popular Newsletter. I will be updating and adding back in some of the older pages that were popular along with new feature pages as well! We can e mail each other and exchange training and diet info. You can e mail me, and request information regarding personal appointments and training. I will e mail you back with the necessary information. This will all be a long ongoing construction process, so please be patient and visit now and then to check out the changes! Thanks. - Dawn
My new E-Mail address is [email protected]
I do my best to try answer everyone that writes. I check my e mail on weekends only and try to read it all. I like any feedback, intelligent comments and constructive suggestions. Please I ask when writing, that you be polite and intelligent. I will not return letters otherwise! I try to return letters, sometimes with a long delay. I ask you "please be patient!" Sorry, but sometimes...I am unable to return everyone's e mail. Right now, I am focusing on getting this Website up and running. If you have training and nutrition pages, my training page will answer any questions you may have. Please write if you are interested in trading links! Right now, I can put a text only link in for you, I do not have a page for graphic links yet. Please keep letters short. Thanks, - Dawn Whitham
Unreturned Snail Mail and E-Mail...
I apologize for any problems that you have had trying to reach me via snail or e mail. As of October, 12th, 1996..., my P.O Box is no longer open, so all mail sent to that address, will be redirected and sent back to you from the post office. As far as the e mail...Sorry, I try, but I just do not have the personal time to return all the letters that I receive. Thanks for e-mailing to me, I appreciate it and am very flattered. I receive just over 100 letters a week, I do this all myself. I personally can not return such a large volume of mail. NOTE: Short letters are easier to handle! Again, thanks for being patient.-Dawn
By Dawn M. Whitham. Webmaster
[email protected]