Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
Sean Connery 
- Producing
Several Movie Projects (August 6, '96)
- Thoughts on
GoldenEye, and what makes a good Bond (June 2, '96)
- "Whom
would you like to sit next to on an airplane?" (June '96)
- Caught
in a compromising position by tabloid (June 6, '96)
- 8th
Most Powerful Person in British Film Industry (June '96)
- What
the stars are really worth (April 12, '96)
- Sean Connery
bonding again (May 14, '96)
- Connery
Likes His Audiences "Stirred Not Shaken" (Jan. 22, '96)
- Fame Lasts
For The Rogue With The Brogue (Jan. 12, '96)
- On Hollywood's A-List
- Why not Sir Sean?
- Appearances in Hello
- Denies wife-beating
charges (August 12 '95)
- Not dead
yet (July 18 '95)
- Revamps
Bond (July 11 '95)
- Goes to
the dogs (July 1 '95)
- Working
with Connery (March 13 '95)
- Feelings
about baldness (Feb. 27 '95)
- Interview
in Virginian-Pilot (Feb. 17, '95)
- Entertainment
Weekly cover story Feb. 17, '95)
- Former acting
coach of both Brosnan and Connery comments (August 1994)
Interviews and websites
This page © 1996 by Kimberly Last