Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

ultimate band list

Welcome to the web's largest interactive list of music links where you the visitor can add the latest music links for your favorite bands. Below, you can browse the bands by letter, genre, resource, or view the complete lists.

* complete listings *

master list (size: 302K)
card list (size: 259K)

* what's new *

new additions
most recently modified bands

* contribute *

update a card
add a card

* listings by genre *

pop / rock / alternative (size: 239K)
metal / hard rock / industrial (size: 74K)
country / western(size: 15K)
jazz / blues / r & b (size: 39K)
classical / new age / vocals(size: 23K)
dance / techno / rap (size: 32K)

* listings by resource *

[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Search ]

Want to link to your favorite bands on your home page, but don't want to try to keep up with all the latest links - link to the band's card. Here are instructions. For those keeping score, there is a list of the most-accessed band cards.

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