Welcome to Our Town.
Welcome to Isuzuville, where the "sport utility"
spirit lives and visitors are advised to use their passenger-assist grips
at all times.
When cruising Isuzuville, you'll encounter many interesting
folks and must-see attractions. Be sure to stop by the General Store and
check out the Trooper, Rodeo,
Hombre and the new Oasis
minivan. So buckle up, shift into 4WD and check it out. You won't want
to miss a thing along the way.

Visitor Information
Not sure where to go in our town? The Visitor Information Center
features a web site search
to give you a quick town tour. Get free product
brochures by answering a few questions in the Guest Log.
Head to the newsstand for your copy of the "Isuzuville
Voice," the town authority on Isuzu events and breaking news for anything
updates and additions to Isuzuville.
Enroll yourself for a cram course in Isuzu history
and technology. Learn answers
to some frequently asked questions
about American Isuzu Motors Inc. So study hard. Caffeine is supplied and
all-nighters are strongly encouraged.
General Store
Peruse the shelves and find great information on all the Isuzu
vehicles--the Trooper, Rodeo,
Hombre, Oasis
minivan and Commercial Vehicles.
The good folks at the General Store can also recommend the nearest Isuzu
dealer to help you find the right vehicle for you.
Isuzuville Bank
Get sound financial advice on the ins
and outs of leasing, calculate
monthly vehicle payments or check out the latest
lease programs courtesy of Isuzuville's most respected financial institution.
Floyd's Gas Station
As the town's vehicle maintenance expert, Floyd's opinion carries
some weight in these parts. Pick his brain for advice on preventative
maintenance and vehicle care
tips. He's also used his influence to get you a "Save
Up to $20.00 with Isuzu Parts Rebate".
Road Side Cafe
Useful Internet tool
links beyond Isuzuville are served up here.
Scenic Route
Ready to get back on the road again? Check out the first in
our series of favorite road trips
and get some important road trip
tips and emergency gear suggestions that may come in handy. We also
enjoy hearing a good road trip story, so share your tales from the road
with us in the "Real Road
Experience" section.
WWW Trails
The ultimate collection of outdoor-related web sites. Skiing,
mountain biking, fishing, tennis, fitness and more. Start your virtual
adventures here.

Updated 10/14/96
Comments or questions about this web site, contact the Isuzu
� 1995-96 American Isuzu Motors Inc.