We're pleased to announce that revisions to this site are currently
under way as part of an American Literature course held in the summer of
1996. Feel free to join the class
in progress.
You can also browse through the original site below, which was developed
by students during the Spring of 1995. It is overseen by Daniel
Anderson, the instructor, and by the members
of the various classes.
Feel free to add your thoughts to our message
forum or to get
in touch.
Jump to our list of works or choose from one of
our units,
Stories, or America
shown Real , or American
Poetry , or American
Interactive sites with online texts, student comments
and analysis, transcripts of discussions, and student projects are being
developed for the following works:
Stay tuned for more online texts and analyses or move on to other useful
sites, including
to Daniel's home page
or the CWRL.