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Welcome to the official homepage(s)
of the Hopeless Romantic. What's a Hopeless Romantic you ask? Well jump
over to the "Profile"
page and find out for yourself! Don't forget to checkout the Holiday
page when the season is right!
Here's a list of your options for this site:
Visit the profile page and find out how you fit in.
Some love advice and some answer's to those FAQs on love
and relationships.
Some other sites related to this one.
Learn how to be an advisor, where to get advice, and how
to offer it as well!.
The "Corner" - works of prose, poetry, etc...
by other Hopeless Romantics. Also learn how you can post your stuff!!!
Romantic Encounters - Find out how to impress your significant
other or submit an encounter of your own! ( We've got a few entries but
keepthem coming! )
Tid-Bits!- A little space of the web that's got those interesting
Romance things you love! Including, ASCII pic's, various list, etc... Just
a lot of fun stuff to impress your significant other or your friends with!
Hard Ache's- ". . . it was the worst of times. .
. " Not all relationships have simple problems. Some get a little
to personal or violent. This site will deal with links that will help those
that are involved in abuse, rape, domestic violence etc. . .
Why? That might be a question you have. Or it might be a
thought that went through your mind. something like "why the OFFICAL
H.R. Page and not just an H.R. Page" or "why now?" etc...
Well here's some answers and insights to the page! (a must for first timers
or those who are detectives at heart!)
See what others are saying and suggesting in my E-mail bag.
All about me and my experience as a Hopeless Romantic.
Me on a less personal note. (this jump will take you to
my personal web page and also that of my family's)
Send me mail.
These are sites o people that have helped me with these
pages. (this link is a nice way of showing my thanks to certain persons,
sites, or business for their support)
Well I hope I've got enough to keep you busy for awhile. If not
then Search for yourself right from this page using the Alta
Vista Search Engine. It has access to all 8 BILLION words found in
over 16 MILLION Web pages. Go ahead and try it for yourself!
me some mail telling me what you think!
This and all pages were put into HTML format by
Eric Jones. All content is free to download and copy. Please include an
e-mail to me when doing so though.
Just so I know for my records. Any image that is of a corporation or that
is a trademark has been used by permission by that trademark holder. Copies
of these letters can be obtained by e-mailing
me and asking! I do not claim any responsibility for any actions taken
from reading this and/or an other pages. Nor do I expect to offend anyone.