Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

Welcome to the Arthurian Home Page


Welcome to the Arthurian Home Page, part of the Literature Pages maintained by Douglas Johnston for Ascension Collegiate High School in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Canada. This page is dedicated to those valiant literary undertakers striving to bring scholarly material to the world of the Web. Except for a few technical or non-specific online book archives, I have noticed that there are few collections for those who have devoted their efforts towards a single literary area. This page, and all its related links, exist to provide such a resource. Hopefully, material here should be useful for students of Newfoundland's Literary Heritage 3202 who are studying the Arthurian mythos as part of their course.

Note that there are many other languages here besides English, although I have endeavoured to ensure that the bulk of the material is in English or French (although you should be warned that I have not limited this to modern translations). Due to problems with many viewers (including Netscape, the one I use) and their inability to show anything past the simple ASCII set, I have eliminated international characters from most text files in an effort to make them more readable. If you can understand the language, I hope that there shouldn't be much of a problem in comprehending the passages, even without accents.

This web site is currently under construction and I advise all bold explorers to watch their step. I humbly beg your patience if you stumble across a non-existance link.

Feel free to explore what may be up and running at the moment...

Manuscripts and Arthurian fiction
Essays and critical reviews
Illustrations and graphics
Arthurian-related music and song
Resources and lists
Arthuriana in Brittany
Links to other Arthurian and mediaeval sites

This page last updated on April 1, 1995 by Douglas Johnston (