Archived Pages from 20th Century!!
"...bringing business women from all over the world together!"
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BizWomen provides the online interactive community for successful women
in business:
to communicate, network, exchange ideas, and provide support for each other
via the Internet.
What makes BizWomen different is its dedication to providing a convenient, one stop service, for the professional woman to further expand her reach into the business world.
As an online marketplace, BizWomen also provides you with an Internet presence with your online "business card", a colorful online "brochure", or interactive "catalog", to make your products and services available to millions of people all around the world.
To participate in our four mailing lists, other events and soon to
come chat rooms, please fill out our
Member Registration Form - MEMBERSHIP IS FREE to become a BizWoman!
We had visitors since
October 2nd, 1995.
Thank you Ingress Communications -
home of BizWomen!
Copyright © by Solutions 3000, Inc. Send comments or suggestions to [email protected]