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to the National Museum of American Art's World Wide Web site. We are adding
material frequently, so come back often. In the meantime, enjoy viewing
and reading about almost 1,000 works of art; reports of upcoming and recent
events; and interacting with staff and some of the artists in the collection.
In particular, visit our newest tour of an exhibition:
or discover our other tours:
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Visit the Director's Office to meet NMAA's director, find the museum's mission statement, and more.
If you want to learn a little more about what NMAA offers online, the links below will give you a short description as well as a link to that page.
General Information || Research Resources || Galleries || Education || What's New || Museum Departments || Publications || Special Exhibitions || Search the site || Membership || Guestbooks
For an overview of the museum, and links to related information such as directions and hours, calendar of events, current, upcoming and traveling exhibitions, and the history of NMAA.
Learn about NMAA's unparalleled research resources in American Art for the general visitor, the student, and the serious scholar. Use the museum's research materials, including online resources.
New! Search for portraits of some of your favorite American artists from the Peter A. Juley & Sons Collection
See the collection of the only museum dedicated to America's art and artists. Visit special exhibitions, search for particular images, or just tour the galleries according to particular themes.
Educational programs for all ages. Information on public programs and national outreach, teaching and learning resources, and much more.
As additional information is added to the site, the What's New page will be updated for the convenience of frequent visitors.
Information is available from each of NMAA's departments. Read the new NMAA Research Bulletin available only online or preview exhibitions available for tour.
Hypertext versions of NMAA publications including popular museum books, catalogue essays; current and past issues of the museum's award-winning journal, American Art; and an on-line catalogue of museum publications.
You can search for specific works of art, any of the text, NMAA's gopher site, and a WAIS search of the entire Smithsonian site
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National Museum of American Art
Date Last Modified: May 01, 1996