Kennedy Assassination
By John McAdams © 1995,1996
It's the most controversal issue in modern American
history. Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill John Kennedy by himself, or did a conspiracy
do it? And if a conspiracy did it, did the conspiracy include Oswald?
If you are like most Americans, you believe that a conspiracy killed
Kennedy. And if you are like most Americans, you have mostly heard one
side of the story.
This web site is dedicated to telling the other side of the story --
to presenting evidence that Oswald acted alone. You may not want
to hear that side of the story. It's really a lot of fun to believe that
there was a conspiracy. But if you are interested in hearing the "other
side" of the story, then this is the place to be.
Regardless of what you believe, several web
sites, mostly conspiracy-oriented are worth checking out.
What sort of evidence is there?
What about those witnesses? What about the Tague wounding? Who was the
"Umbrella Man?" Was there a shooter from the Grassy Knoll? Was
the rifle recovered really a Mauser?
The Single
Bullet Theory
You've seen Kevin Costner give the conspiracy version of the Single
Bullet theory. You know: Connally seated directly in front of Kennedy,
at the same height, and facing straight ahead. Was that really what happened?
Harvey Oswald
What sort of person was he? Did he really have "Top Secret"
security clearance? Did he shoot at General Walker? Was the man exhumed
in the late 1970s really somebody besides Oswald?
Garrison and New Orleans
Did Oswald really share an office with Guy Banister? Did Clay Shaw really
conspire to kill Kennedy? Why did Oliver Stone make a movie about the Shaw
trial and not even mention Perry Raymond Russo? Did David Ferrie die a
"mysterious death?"
Did the bullet that hit Kennedy in the back penetrate only an inch and
fall out? Was Kennedy hit in the head by a bullet from in front? Are the
autopsy photos and x-rays faked? Did all the doctors at Parkland Hospital
believe that Kennedy was hit in the front of the neck, and if so are their
opinions decisive evidence that that is what happened?
Did you know that all the evidence in this case proven to be
forged has come from the conspiracy side? Did you know that the "mysterious
deaths" are virtually all not so "mysterious" when you look
at them closely? Do you trust authors like Mark Lane to tell you the truth
about what witnesses said?
The "lone nut" theory of the assassination is really the "two
lone nuts" theory. What sort of person was Jack Ruby? A mobster? An
intelligence agent? A small-time hustler? The sort of volatile character
who might really have shot Oswald out of righteous anger?
Featured Articles
I don't necessarily agree with all the conclusions these authors have
drawn, but everything here is a solid piece of work that deserves your
attention. All are copyrighted, and all posted here with permission.
One of the
more interesting parts of the LaFontaines' new book Oswald Talked
concerns Sylvia Odio. Where traditional conspiracy authors have taken her
account at face value, the LaFontaines' have "upped the ante"
with their new interpretation of the evidence. Researcher Steve Bochan
takes issue with their logic and use of evidence in part
one and part two
of this critical essay, first posted on the newsgroup alt.conspiracy.jfk.moderated.
Must reading if you have read Oswald Talked.
Recent media
attention was focussed on a film shot in Dealey Plaza, at the time of the
assassination, by Patsy Paschall. Does the film show evidence of a shooter
on the Grassy Knoll? Dallas researcher Greg Jaynes, in this
essay, gives a thorough rundown of the films content.
A common
theme in conspiracy books is that Oswald was "denied counsel"
when in the custody of the Dallas Police. The real story is more complex,
and tells us a lot about just how Lee Oswald thought. Oswald,
in His Own Defense, an essay by Joel Grant and John Locke, explores
this issue.
Rose Cheramie
is one of the people who supposedly had "foreknowledge" of the
assassination. Her story is in all the assassination books, but British
author Chris Mills has collected new primary sources. His Rambling
Rose is an essay that takes us beyond the usual treatment. Mills believes
she may have had actual foreknowledge of the assassination, and offers
a particularly strong treatment of her death.
buffs are ever suspicious of the "official story" and "government
propaganda." In at least one case, however, many have been crudulous
toward a piece of propaganda from a very different source. Farewell
America is a book whose origins are explored
in this essay by John Locke.
- Just how many different people have been accused of being (or
have confessed to being) either a shooter or an accomplice in Dealey Plaza?
Researcher David Perry has compiled the most complete known list. His Rashomon
to the Extreme! is that list. Of the 61 people on this list, at least
one is guilty. ©1994 by Perry, and posted here with permission.
- Did chance and circumstance converge to bring John F. Kennedy into
the sights of Lee Harvey Oswald, or was Kennedy guided to Dallas and down
Elm Street by some sinister forces? In the essay The
Three Furies, Joel Grant examines the forces that brought Kennedy to
Dallas and down Elm Street. Is this conspiracy, or politics?
- The essay, A Conspiracy
Too Big by Fred Litwin asks about the credibility of any theory that
holds that a conspiracy faked all the evidence that conspiracy theorists
say is faked.
- John Locke's FAQ (Frequently
Asked Questions) outlines the evidence, from the perspective of a person
who believes Oswald did it alone. A good briefing for someone who has only
read conspiracy books, and wants the other side of the story. Frequently
posted on ALT.CONSPIRACY.JFK, it's here for your reference.
- A Bad Case of Deja
Vu, another essay by John Locke, compares the O.J. Simpson defense
to conspiracy thinking in the Kennedy assassination. Would the intellectual
habits of the conspiracy buffs have let O.J. go free? Locke says "yes."
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of the issues raised here? A new moderated newsgroup:
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Gallery with a variety of interesting images.
a look at John McAdams' picks of the best
resources on other Kennedy assassination web pages. These are "out
of the ordinary" offerings by web authors who have made something
unique and unusual available on the 'net.