Archived Pages from 20th Century!!

"Tour of Egypt"

Welcome to the Tour of Egypt!!! Like various tours that you might take when you are on vacation, there is something here for everyone: historic sites, tourist areas, people, habitats, animals, and insects. Look for more images and information in the coming weeks.
(All rights reserved. Images are the property of  Kenneth J. Stein  and are protected by the United States Copyright law and the Berne Convention on copyright. They may not be reproduced (in whole part or any form) or stored in a retrieval system without written permission. They are for instructional and educational uses only.)


Tourist Areas/Scenics/Animals:

Would you like to see a few pictures of some common insects/bugs? How about some wildflowers from Appalachia?

Sponsors of this site.....interesting links.

Send your comments or questions to [email protected].

Last modified: April 13, 1996